Anything Happens Pt.3

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Tremaine Neverson 

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Tremaine Neverson 

Layla resided in school, while I drove to the houses that Sarah recommend for me and my family. Before we left I turned on my phone, within the last four days seeing a total of four hundred missed calls, three hundred missed messages and I haven't even logged into social media yet. All from my team, mama, Forrest, Mea, Chris, August, and any body else.

Within the last three hours, we made it to six houses none of which was worth getting. I needed a house somewhere up in the hills, with hella security and systems, one that also felt like a home.

"Got any house in Bel Air?" I quizzed once we made it outside.

"Yeah I have two, one which is six hundred thousand and the other is four hundred thousand, the six hundred thousand one is a ten bedroom, ten bathrooms, kitchen living room, pool house, pool, backyards, it's not quite finished yet but I'm sure if we check it out..." She says remembering from the top of her head.

"Is it a possible that I can design the house?" I asked in curiosity placing on my shades.

"Probably, I'll check with the conductors. More than likely I can pull a string or two." She answered as Kera held my hand eating a granola bar. Adrian was on my hip playing with his Finding Dory stuffed sea animal.

"Thank you so much Sarah you've been a great help today." Kera says shaking her free hand.

"No problem I'm here to help, you can come by to check the house tomorrow after three pm." She says getting her car after putting her brief case in the back seat. I put Adrian in his car seat as he tries to take my gold chain.

"No. Play with your chain." I told him picking up his chain that we had alike.

"Eat-Eat." He says as I kiss his forehead shutting the back seat door and getting into the front. I check my Rolex realizing it was lunch time, and I automatically know Kera wants something to eat.

"You hungry Dre?" I adjust my mirrors before pulling off as he nodded.

"What you had in mind?" Kera asked while a inappropriate thought popped in my head and she immediately knew what I was smiling for. "Your so annoying." She blushed.

"Pizzeria Mozza?" I suggest as her face lit up and she nodded. Pizzeria Mozza is one of the best places in LA. Once we arrived Kera looked at some of schools in Bel Air that Layla can be changed too, Adrian drew scribbles on his kids menu, while I answered my ringing phone and it was my mother.

"Hello?" I answer knowing I'm in for some screaming she's getting ready to do, but I'm a grown man and wasn't in the mood to hear none of it.

"So you decide to turn your phone off, You or Kera hadn't answered any off my calls or anybody else's, for almost a week! Aldon I was worried sick and you do some dumb shit like this--" Her voice went from low to high, and I completely snapped.

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