Teaser Trailer

271 16 3

Kera Neverson

I just dropped the kids off at my sisters house so I could go down and help at the California help-center. For people who were in need of shelter, food and clothes. This was lasting for a week and I wanted to help. I grabbed a pair of gloves and helped serve the food that was being prepared. Most of these adults, looked sick helpless or just in need of help.

"Hello, welcome to California-Help-Center." I say to a woman who looked in her mid thirties. I placed mash potatoes on her plate along with bread, chicken, and green beans.

"Thank you so much." She took the plate and smiled looking so happy to receive a hot meal.

"Your welcome love, God bless."

The next person came in line and I placed food on they're plate. They all looked overjoyed to be receiving this food, and a place to stay. I then stroll past people to use the bathroom and wash my hands.

Five minutes later I enter the sleeping area to help set up beds. Some California photographers took pictures of me and another models that came out to help today.

"That's the last blanket?" Davina, asks looking into the box. "I'll check for more."

"Alright." She leaves as I place bottled waters on night stands and fluffing the pillows to make the homeless people comfortable.

Seeing these people makes me more thankful for what Trey and I work for. And I want my kids to know money wasn't always this easy.

A man comes in coughing but, I couldn't really see his face because of his hand covering his mouth. From the looks of it he looked real sick and tired.

"Um, ser the food is being served outside." I say but he continued to cough stumbling to get down three steps to a chair.

"K-Kera I need to rest p-please." I stood there confused unsure of what to do, how did he know my name and who was he? All the thoughts ran into my head, who is this man? Was he a crazy person?

He coughs so hard he collapsed on the floor holding his chest, removing his hand from his mouth and that's when I seen that face. The face I haven't seen in over ten years.


Who expected that?😂 Happy Reading, happy sumer. #TeamWrittersBlock

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