Working Us Out

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Kera Neverson

After Brittany, Seriya and I talked last night we'd agreed on going somewhere else to take the kids; an inside water park a two night stay. None of which the guys knew about. I just hoped these days I can figure out where my heart really is, and Tremaine can step his game up.

Being that it was 10:35 in the morning, Korea invited the kids and I over to spend the day with her and her husband. Layla was already dress in shorts and a Nike shirt she picked out, with her flip flops and her hair into a fishtail braid. I gave my outfit a once over which was just a gray maxi dress and decided to put Dre in MickeyMouse and some shorts. Trey was in bed watching tv eyeing my every move.

"Where y'all going?" He asks resting upwards.

"Korea invited the kids and I over to spend the day with them, but you can do something with the kids tomorrow so you know..." I trail hoping he'd catch on to what I was trying to explain.

"Yea alright." He says nonchalantly. As I thought only time will tell if things will get better.

A hour later

Korea finally finished the breakfast as the kids and I made it inside about ten minutes ago. Her husband came from morning run I'm guessing.

"Baby this is my sister, Kera. Matt meet Kera, Kera this is Matt." Korea introduced.

"Nice to finally meet you." He says shaking my hand with a ferm grip. He was brownskin, built like Lebron James, very muscular, handsome fella.

"Likewise." I replied as he grabbed his headphones heading up to most likely take a shower, I mean the sweat was imbedded into his shirt just like Trey.

Korea's girls and her son who's always busy along with Layla sat at the table as the breakfast was perfectly set in a row. French Toast, Canadian Bacon, cheese eggs, toast and sausage links. Sis really knew how to get down in the kitchen.

"Have you talked to mom?" I asked as she gave me a really look.

"No, and don't plan on to it."


"What? She did a lot of shit. Eventually we're going to have to talk but right now that bitch-she can be in her own world." She said.

"Mommy you said a bad word." Lilly said.

"I know baby, excuse me." She smiles and eats a piece of bacon.

She waited until the kids finished eating so she could ask me about Trey. I didn't want Layla to know about the relationship, Tremaine and I have because I didn't want her to freak her out thinking the worst. The children went outside to play as Korea and I sat in the living room.

"So, how are you and Trey?" She asked as the words repeated in my head, how was Trey and I actually?

I shrugged,"I don't even know, like there is no affection right now, it hurts sometimes because what am I doing with myself my life, can I keep this up?" I spoke out loud.

"It takes time..."

"I'm sick of waiting." I say.

Two hours later

The kids and I were in the car in Korea's, driveway I pulled out my phone, calling Brittany. Layla was in the back occupied by her iPad so hopefully she didn't pay much attention to me.

"Hello." Brittany says on the other line sounding busy.

"Hey," My voice was soft and bothered.

"You good?"

"I-I don't think I can make the trip. I can't do this ignoring shit anymore I-I can't..." She cut me off, my voice begin the shake and I was on the verge of tears.

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