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A week later

Tremaine Neverson

Today was Saturday the kids were still grounded, just like I said school and chores. I did make sure to call Ziah and Moe's parents along with Leah's and they are also in big trouble.

Tonight Kera, Adrian and I are going to dinner with Chris his family and Aug and his. The kids are staying here with JayR and they know the rules. So at the point if they did anything else the wouldn't be ungrounded until college.

Kera put Adrian in his crib as she sat eating her salad in the kitchen.

"Put on a shirt, your sweat is dripping on the floor." Kera exaggerated since i just got out of the gym.

"Tremaine move." She yelled since I kissed and hugged all over her.

"Go take a shower." She continued.

"Come wit me."

"Nope." She finished eating heading to the living room. My hands smacked her butt, as she hit my chest.

"Now I'm gonna have to take a shower because of your sweaty self ugh." She complained.

"Kera...please." I begged.

"Trey? No... There's too many kids in the house."

I grabbed her waist kissing her neck. First she didn't want me touching her but, I guess she couldn't resist.

"Later papi." We rubbed noses as I went upstairs.

I went into the bedroom, and into the lavatory turning on the shower water. I checked my phone seeing I had a text from Nia. She knew about Jayden's behavior too, so when he went home it would be no different.

Nia- Change of plans, you can drop Jay off today I'm not going anymore.

She was going to New Jersey for sometime but, I guess she changed her mind.

Myself- alright.


I was completely dressed sitting in the car waiting for Jayden so I could drop him off. Once he got in, we rode to Nia's. I parked in her parking space, as we got out.

She unlocked the door and we entered.

"Jayden, Behave. Your mother knows what you did so don't no shit."

"Yea." Was all he said. I left Nia's going back home.

Kera Neverson

I was changing Dri's diaper, when Layla walked in sadly.

"Mommy?" She said with her eyes looking red of tears.


"When is daddy gonna stop bein' mad at me?"

"When he feels your truly sorry. He's more disappointed than mad."

"I am."

"Just because you say your sorry and dont want to be in trouble doesnt mean you truly mean it. When daddy came home and saw this he was very upset."

"I dont want to be grounded." She hugged me back, but I wasnt going to unpunish her until Trey was ready too.

"He expected more from you and look what you did. Think about it." I said as she was trying to dry her incoming tears.

She walked out heading to the guest room. And I totally understand where Trey was coming from, and why he did what he did. Both Jayden and Layla are pretty much spoiled, they get new things, and clothes every week. And for them to do this, of course Trey the way he is.

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