What More Could I Ask For

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Tremaine Neverson

The kids were dropped of at school, while I waited for Kera to get done getting dress. She finally made it downstairs, as we walked to the car. I start the ignition trying to find some music.

"You wanna go out to breakfast first?" I question finding my phone from my pocket.


"Ion know why I even asked that question you-" She side eyed me, knowing that was my que to shut up.


Kera and I were waiting for out food we just ordered. I grabbed her hand giving it a kiss.

"I love you Mrs. Neverson." She blushed and giggled.

"I love you too."

"I think the baby will be a boy. Whatchu think?"

"Boy too. Oohh think of some names."

Kera Neverson

"Daquan." Trey said knowing that was one of the most ghetto boy names of all.

"Hell no."

"Tremaine Jr." I laughed, that wasn't bad but no. "Want me ta name him some white people names then. Steve, Josh, Austin."

"No, don't be too ghetto with it either. Here I wrote some good ideas down." I went to notes on my iPhone.

"Tyres, Terrence, Ilijah, Richard, Kyle, Kyree, Kaylen, Derrick, Aldon, Adrian."

"I got it," Trey shouts a bit. "Adrian Kyree Neverson."

"I like it." I kiss Trey's lips as he shows his dimples.

"I mean we could have named him Daquan."

"And I could have slapped you. But if it so happend to be a girl then something with an A..."

He nodded as our food and drinks are on the table. Trey steals a raspberry out of my fruit salad.

"Tremaine stop!" I smack his hand but, he grabs it back to say a quick prayer together.


Making it to Babies R Us, the one that was far away from crazed fans and people. Trey helped me out the car with his sunglasses on.

"I'm so excited." Trey smacks my ass really hard.


As we went inside I grabbed a cart hearing some of the workers turn and say, "OMG Trey Songz!"

Strolling over to the neural section of the store. Trey caught up with me after taking a few pictures with fans. He had his security on speed dial if he needed to contact them.

"Blue or yellow?" I asked holding up these blankets.


A few hours later we brought all the stuff upstairs, well Trey brought all the stuff upstairs to set up the room. We both was a hundred percent sure that it was going to be a boy. We would find out tonight anyways because Chris, Brittany, Seriya and August found a way to tell us using balloons... don't ask.

And how they found out by Seriya coming to my appointment and the doctors told her the sex of the baby.

"Okay I think Daquan- Adrian's crib--" Trey's jokes humorously.

"Trey you think I'm playin with you. Keep it up." I smack the back of his head.

He grabbed my waist kissing my neck, "You think I'm playing with you." Trey says in between kisses, licking my neck turning me on.

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