Long Lost Pt. 2

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Kera Neverson

Tears flowed down my face in joy. I was seeing my fraternal twin and father right in front of me. Being lost and words and heart, inarticulate was definitely how I felt. I wasn't mad at my father as much anymore for other reasons, now feeling their embrace is everything.

"Kera sweetheart it's so good to see you." My father Darien says.

"Good to see you too, dad. You too sister." She wiped my tears and hugged me once more.

"We came here to apologize, start fresh. Even though it was mom's fault and I'm still not speaking  with her. I always wanted to contact you but, didn't have guts too." Korea, my sister replies.

"I forgave you both, you mean the world too me. Despite mom's actions, I love you guys." There was still dirt with my family and it was deep but, it didn't need to be discussed right now.

Right now I was so happy and overjoyed that they were here wanting to be a family again.

When I was a kid, my dad wanted to take both of his kids away from my mother. My other sisters, aren't my full sisters, because of the many men my mother was with. She treated their father like Royalty but through his eyes, he just wanted to fuck her over.

My dad decides to take us away, he did for about a year and my mom finally realized child support checks weren't coming in, so she made my father look like a bad guy and filed for full custody. She some how won due to her lies while my papa was only allowed to visit us on weekends and some holidays.

As Korea and I aged seventeen she ended up running away finding my dad. I couldn't because I was too scared and didn't find them. Then finding my own apartment, moving out and on from my mother.

Up until the De'rell situation where she contacted me wanted to stay with and all, and finally looking after me, only for money most likely. My mom and I have a crazy, unhealthy, unbothered, relationship.

"So how has my baby girl been?" He snapped me out my thoughs. Trey and the kids were upstairs currently.

"Great dad, wish you could've been to my baby showers and wedding. Layla's eight and Adrian's one going on two. You missed a lot." I grabbed a tissue from the coffee table.

"I know babygirl." He grabs my hand holding it.

"This is so crazy right now that im actually talking to you guys. I thought you stopped caring about me."

"We could never." Korea replies.

"Do you any have kids?"

"Two girls, Riley and Lilly. I swear Lilly my youngest resembles Layla."

"Wow, that's crazy." Just thinking about that is crazy in a good way."


After closing the door around one pm from my dad and sister, we talked for four hours. Trey came down with just his boxers on. He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Why ain't you tell me?" He asks but I sighs.

"A part of me wanted too at times, but I just kept that part of family and my life to myself. But as my husband I should've told you. I'm sorry love." I take him into my embrace.

"I love you K." He squeezes my ass and a moan almost slipped out.

I pulled him by his boxers taking him to the guest room downstairs showing him that a good love.

Tremaine Neverson

I've been up woke for three hours with DaveEast to record some songs for my album.

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