Moody vs Reality

365 18 0

Kera Neverson

The long ass week was over, Christmas was around the corner and I still haven't went shopping, my head feels like it's going to explode. And Baby Adrian been having a rough week. He couldn't stop crying all these night, and when he finally did I still didn't get any sleep. I did talk to Trey about, Lauren telling him how I felt.

"Some chick stopped by named, Lauren asking for you and all. The girl from the hospital, and I'm cool if yall friends but don't let that bit- her come to the door asking where you were and shit."
I said while climbing into bed.

"Oh, she just a friend. Dat's it baby. You know I love you." He says kissing my neck.

Adrian was only a month and a few days, I hated going out with Adrian being that he was still so young, he didn't need to be exposed to all the weather. Marcus, Brittany and myself did plan to go Christmas shopping today. While Trey watched the kids.


"You know what you gettin' Chris?" I ask Brittany as she looked in contemplation.

"No, not really. I mean he has everything so what do I give him?"

"I know right." I agreed, "I was thinkin maybe get Trey some stuff for his favorite team. Redskins, I don't know."

We shopped at many different places, and when we went out to eat did a little online shopping as well. I needed to get this crazy ass shopping done before, it's really crunch time.

"You heading home?" Marcus quizzed.

"Yeah, I gotta a lot of shit to do. And hopefully Trey and the rest ain't burn down my house." They laughed.

"True, well alright." Brittany said and we departed ways.


As I pulled up to house, I left all of the gifts inside of the car. I didn't want them to peek at the stuff before Christmas.

Walking inside I seen Trey cooking a potroast, that smelt like heaven and I'm assuming the kids were in the living room or upstairs. I sneak up behind him, hugging his tall frame which I always thought was very attractive.

"Hey baby." He says deeply as I kiss his lips.

"Smell good in here." We rub noses giving each other a 'butterfly kiss' as some would call it.

"Making potroast with season rice and for dessert apple pie." He says putting his hands onto my hips. "And maybe for extra dessert I can get--"

"Tremaine shut up!" I move away from his going to check on baby Adrian. Trey's so sexual at times, it's so undescribed.

He was currently peacefully sleeping while Layla sat watching some show on Disney Channel.

"One more week of school, then Christmas break." I said as Layla smiled.

Going upstairs, passing by Jayden's room he's playing the Xbox as usual. My legs feel weak for some odd reason. And I know it's not because of sex because Trey hasn't been getting any of that. Stripping my clothes, I head to the bathroom to take my shower early; well before dinner. The searing water comes from the shower as I stepped in and washed.


While I lotion my body I hear Adrian crying I guess he was hungry. Grabbing my phone and charger to head downstairs to feed the prince. Strolling into the living room, Trey had Adrian in his arms trying to calm him down. I plug my phone up with my charger as Trey hands me Adrian. Automatically my shirt's pulled up and Adrian drinks his milk.

I sigh in release knowing he stopped crying. Trey and Layla were still cooking dinner, I was getting hungry so it didn't need to be perfect.

Adrian was done eating but surprisingly still up, I place his tiny body on my shoulders rubbing his back trying to burp him. I hear his little breathing noises and smile warmly.

Deciding that I should go into the kitchen to see if the food was ready. Trey and Layla were mixing up the apple pie mix making a mess.

"Is this what I'm waiting on?!" I say once Adrian makes a sound, but I took that as he 'understood me'. "Yeah I know Adrian, your sister and daddy are crazy." 

"Whatever." Trey said.

Ten minutes later, dinner was ready Trey's potroast smelled so good, and looked to good; filling it with vegetables and potatoes.

"When and where you learn how to make potroast?" I quizzed.

"I knew how to make it growing up, my mom would cook it a lot so." He replied as we all ate dinner at the table.


"Oh yeah I gotta hit up the studio tomorrow." Trey said laying on his pillow.


"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked.

"Nothin." I turn my bedside lamp off facing the other direction. I knew he was looking at me, but I didn't want to explain to him, and then up arguing.

Of course he had to go to the studio and do stuff but, with Adrian being a few weeks. I need him! Whether Trey likes it or not he needs to help me. I'm taking care of Jayden, Layla and the new baby. All I want him to do is help me. Am I asking for too much?

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