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Days later

Kera Neverson

Tremaine was spending lots of time with the kids, also giving me a break. It melted my heart so much. Currently he was picking Layla up from school, since Jayden went home yesterday and he even took Adrian. He was acting a bit still strange and I still had no clue why.

The shop was closed today since Chris, Brittany, August and Riya were coming over for dinner tonight. We were ordering for this take our restaurant, that has been getting a lot of good reviews.

I put on a pair of leggins and a sleeveless military green shirt. My hair wasn't fancy just a simple bun with some earrings on my ears, and a necklace Tremaine gave me.

The sun was shinny slightly so I decided to open the patio door, the one downstairs just for some fresh air.

Expectantly Layla runs in showing off her prefect score on her spelling test.

"Look, I got a one hundred!" She shouts as I smirk and kiss her cheek, taking it our of her hands to put on the refrigerator.

"Congrats baby." She walks upstairs as I feel Trey's arms wrap around my neck.

"Move!" I giggle as he hugs me.

"Nice ass day out." He grabs my face pecking my lips. Trey sticks his tongue out easing it in my mouth. Our tongue danced together.

Walking away I go upstairs to grab my phone just when he stares at my ass. "Take them leggins off now!"

"Nope!" I pop the p purposely.

Gripping my iPhone carefully from the charger looking at the notification screen. Layla comes out her room, with jeans and a Coco Chanel shirt on but, her hair is all over the place.

"Help." She whispered as a chuckle. I put her hair into a neat pony tail at the top leaving the back hanging out. Layla has long brown hair that she inherented from both Trey and I.

"Fabulous." I say in a funny accent grabbing her hand while she laughes.

Hearing Chris and Trey's loud ass mouth from a far I guess they got here. See, I like August's behavior, maybe because he grew up in New Orleans and not Virginia.

Layla runs off to Khanari and Aniya while they play outside in the background. Brittany brings sleeping Kalani into the guest room keeping the door crack.

The girls and I walk to the living room while the men talked. I checked on Adrian while he was napping peacefully.

"You ate at this place before?" Seriya held up the menu of the restaurant we were ordering from.

"No, my cousin said she had the lasagna. She said it was good. Had flavor and all." Brittany remarks.

"We should order some of everything to try. Said Riya

"I'm cool wit 'dat."

"Riya, Aniya needs a lil brother or sister." I suggests laughing.

"Well let me have Adrian." We chuckled.


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