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Kera Neverson

Sunlight woke me up along with the whiff of banana nut pancakes. I could smell Trey cooking them all the way up here. I smiled getting up in happiness, mentally the was the start of something new for our marriage. Who wouldn't be overjoyed. In a flash my hygiene was done just when Trey fixed the bed, placed the Trey of breakfast neatly of the bed while holding Adrian.

"Tremaine." I say trying not to cry, my babies are my everything. I kiss his lips and nose and Adrian lips too.

"Adrian say good morning mommy."

"Morn ma." He says smiling trying to say it.

"Aww, good morning Dre."

I sat on the bed eating my breakfast, while Trey tried to but Adrian's pajama pants on but all he wants to do Is walk around in his diaper. His little eyes kept looking at me to the pancakes; my greedy baby.

I fed him some pancakes that were in small pieces since, he only has a two teeth that weren't even developed yet.

"No you already ate." Trey shouts looking at Adrian, who made a pout.

Later on.

I was back to my second home: Curvy Q. I haven't been here for months, I've been doing as much work outside of the shop but, with the kids Trey, me being pregnant hadn't had time. I wanted and needed to get back because I missed my success. This was like my baby too. The new shipments came in yesterday so I decided to help put some thing up before, my workers got here.

As soon as I finish i sat in my office eating cookies I brought. Trey didn't know about my other snacks, and I plan to keep that on the down low. Marcus came into my office surprised and happy to see me.

"Hey boo carrying my baby." He says kissing my cheek.

"Your a mess love."

"Getting back to work I see." He grabs some ChipAhoy cookies to go with his coffee.

"Yea, then I'll be back off to take care of this baby, Ugh!" I sigh.

"Gotta tell Trey to stop giving you the dick and the you forget to take birth control..." He jokes.

"Ha ha ha very funny."

"Where Lay?"

"Riya and Brittany took the kids to indoor water park."

"Oh." He replies simply.

Two hours later.

I kissed Marcus on the cheek as I left to going shopping. I wanted to get some clothes for the kids and myself so I stopped by The little; a baby store seeing a couple paparazzi snapping a few pictures.

"Welcome to a The Little- Hey Kera Neverson!" One of the workers said enthusiastically.


"Can I get a picture."

"Sure." I replied sweetly.

We took a few selfies and I got to shopping. I found these cute little pajama pants for Adrian; even though he likes to walk around in his diaper. I also grab some more organic baby soap and lotions for him just as my phone vibrates. I open the message seeing a picture of Trey and Adrian sitting in his home studio.

 I open the message seeing a picture of Trey and Adrian sitting in his home studio

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