Date Two

317 21 1

Tremaine Neverson

My eyes opened slightly as I woke up, Kera slept naked in my arms and we cuddled. Last night was so crazy filled with so much love, I couldn't help but, to smile and keep my hands on her. I eased out of bed going into my bathroom to run a bath for her and I.

I poured some soup into the bathtub taking off the only thing I had left on was my chain. I made sure I had her screaming last night, as usual.

The tub was finished so I walked back and slightly woke her up. She moved a bit, while I carried her bridal style into the lavatory.
She smiled and smirked once she realized what we did last night, how we legs felt along with her heart; filled with so much love.

I placed her carefully into the tub getting in myself. She smiled and blushed, with no makeup she was still so beautiful with her wild curls everywhere. I kissed her lips slowly and she smiled happily.

"Thank you baby." She said moving the water with her hands.

"Your welcome love."


Once we got finished washing, relaxing we both were cooking in the kitchen sharing memorable moments.

"Gimme!!" She yelled since I had all the chocolate covered strawberries.

"Here sexy." I fed her one as she indulged. My hand smacked her butt as she continued to cook.

Kera Neverson

We decided to go out for a walk and later on dinner and a jazz show. We were walking hand in hand at this beautiful park. I was now starting to miss my babies, but this was a good vacation.

"We should do this more often." I suggested.

"Yea, but we gotta handful of lil monsters to take care of." I giggled.

"Happy valentines day weekend love." I said.

"Happy valentines day weekend to you too."

As he said that, for some reason a flashback of our wedding day was in my head. It was the perfect day and I was becoming a 'we' with Tremaine Aldon Neverson.

"I do." Trey said.

"You may now kiss the bride."

His lips touched mine while his hands cupped my face. The moment I became Mrs. Neverson and everything is now complete.

"Kera, Kera." Trey brought me out of my daze. "Whatchu thinkin about?"

"Us." I smiled.

We talked a little more about the kids, vacations and such until we got back to the car. It was already 4:50 on the dot and the show started at 6:30 pm. There is going to be dinner served at the jazz festival so that was set.

The car ride was peaceful since Trey sung along to Jodeci's cry for you. I mean he was singing his heart out, all I could do was laugh and put him on snapchat.


Him and I were finally dressed, the show didn't start until 6:30 but, I still didn't want to be late for no parts. He grabbed my hand as we got into his car and drove to the festival.

Fifteen minutes later we got there making it to the front VIP. It hadnt started yet, so I ordered some strawberry wine.

"I'm so excited." I squealed, Trey laughed and then kissed my cheek.

"I love you." He said.

"Love you too."

It had finally started and the food was already served. The performances were going good so far and really made you nod to the beat. Trey was enjoying himself as well. I just hope that the kids back at home didn't break the house apart or worse.

A lot of throwbacks of legendary artists music was sung by the performers. It was finally over sadly but, everything was very pleasing to the food and entertainment. Trey grabbed my hand as he talled to some of the performers and I guess they were fans of Trey.

"You all did a fantastic job." Tremaine complimented.

"Thank you."

"Can I get a selfie Trey?" A fan asked.

"Of course." They took the selfie and then him and I left.


Currently we were slow dancing in the living room to some music at twelve midnight. Trey looking so handsome and good right now, I just wanted him to give it to my deep. My hand rested on his chest as his hands on my butt occasionally squeezing it. It was so sexual yet relaxing and I love every minute of it.

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