You Lucky

282 16 7

Tremaine Neverson

Jayden was being released from the hospital, it's been a week and I half, physical he's made a lot of progress. Him and I also talked and I promise to not make him feel like what we was feeling. No child should ever feel that way. He's my oldest and I love him to death.

"Now I can really whoop you in basketball." He chuckled as I did too. Nia's and Jay's things were being trucked over to my house. Kera and the kids were unaware that the stuff was being shipped, then again it didn't matter what she thought right now. Because they need to be safe until I find them a place.

Jayden tied his cast and Nia helped put his shoes on. He hugged me and I hugged back. He's really changed back to the boy I raised.

"Love you."

"Love you too." He says looking just like me. We walked down into the side entrance away from paparazzi.

Kera Neverson

As I was pushing Dre in his stroller and Layla walked Mace, there was a big movers truck in the driveway moving shit in.

"Excuse me, where is the coming from?" I question to the guy sitting on a box.

"Trey called us up, to move Nia and Jayden's stuff into the house."

"No, there has to be a mistake."

"No mistake ma'am." I finished walking inisde the house heading to the kitchen. There was a lot of shit moving into the downstairs area on the other side of the house. Why the hell?

Ever since he's told me to shut the fuck up. We haven't talked, we haven't ate together, we don't even sleep together. Some nights I cried to sleep because It's been almost two fucking weeks. Maybe its time for a change.

Layla made her and Dre peanut butter sandwiches while I tried to put my finger on what was going on. 

Moments later Trey arrived with Jayden and Nia. The movers were finally done as Mace started barking a bit. I sat down drinking my ProteinWorld shake checking my notifications.

Trey settled Nia and Jayden in while I walked upstairs back into the guestroom. I agreed on not saying anything about this whole situation. It's like he's not even hurting and I am.

I heard Adrian crying downstairs
so I washed my hands from sweat and germs went to check on my baby. Seeing what I'm seeing boiled ny temperature, Nia was holding Dre as he calmed down.

Thank you for helping him, but I'm his mother and he has a father. You worry about you kids and I have mine. My jaw clenched but I took a deep breath. I politely grabbed Dre out her arms going back upstairs.

Layla was outside playing with Mace from the looks of it. Adrian was done crying once I gave him a quick wash-up and changed his diaper. He fell back to sleep after trying to watch MaxAndRuby.

Tremaine opened the door standing in front of ths tv but I ignored him completely. He signed annoyed because I guess I wasn't jumping into his fucking arms saying sorry for some shit. In reality he should be the one.

I got up going inside the bathroom just as he closed the bathroom door behind him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ignored him once more seeing the anger rise, but I couldn't give a single fuck. I applied to eye mascara onto my eye.

"I just wanna talk baby." He held my waist calming down.

"Fuckin Talk!" I shouted annoyed moving away from him.

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