
343 20 1

Kera Neverson

Finally getting out of the hospital, Adrian had to be tested for health along with me for the previous two weeks. He's come out a healthy, handsome baby boy. Currently Tremaine had just closed the car door slightly after putting Adrian in the backseat.

He got sidetracked by a female he was talking to. So far I've been sitting here for the last five minutes readers their lips. I'm not stuck up nor bitchy about Trey talking to a female friend, but if your dating someone like Trey, just expect the girls to be a little bit more thirsty. Maybe it's best if I just shut my mouth right now and give positive energy. After all he's my husband.

He finally got back in the car smiling. Smiling?

"Who was that?" I asked softly.

"My old friend." He says calmy and I nodd.

Parking in Chris' driveway to pick up Layla, Jayden went back home last week, I grabbed Adrian as we went inside. Brittany was cooking food, while the kids played some where. And Chris was feeding Kalani.

"Was good?" Trey dapped Chris.

"Chillin, man."

The kids come rushing into the kitchen just when Layla gives me a big hug.

"Mommy." She exclaimes.

"Hey Lay. What time soccer practice?"

"At four." She comes towards me to see Adrian but he was sleep, something he's real good at.

"My new baby bro." Layla says quietly while Trey and Chris talked.


Trey took Layla to her soccer practice while I stayed home watching my little baby. He was currently eating as I tried to watch tv. My mom said she was coming by tomorrow since, she was staying for the month at my sister's, along with mama April.

I already know they're going to be all over Adrian when they get here. Just my luck the doorbell went off, I put Adrian on my shoulder with his blanket to answer the door.

Peeking through the hole it was, the girl from the hospital. Trey's "friend" I mentally slapped myself, I said I wasn't going to over think anything and draw conclusions.

"Hey is Trey here?" She asks just before I could say anything. Don't come to my door asking from my man if I don't know you.

"Excuse me who are you?" I said trying my best not to come off as rude.

"I'm Trey's friend, just tell um' Lauren stopped by." She walked away smiling just as I closed the door.

Cool, calm, and collected. Two deep breaths in and two out. I've delt with this already so no biggie. I'll just ask Trey about 'Lauren'.

Adrian my stinker was finally asleep so I put him in his downstairs crib. No worries, these girls, hoes and bitches don't faze me.

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