Anything Happens Pt-2

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Tremaine Neverson

Immediately I hear the house alarm going off, knowing someone must of broken in or is trying too. Kera moves in her sleep until she is up clueless and worried. "Trey what's going on?" She asks as I run up to grab Adrian and Layla; I don't know what's going on downstairs but all I know is that I want them safe over anything else. "Daddy's what's going on?" Layla asked as I picked her up putting Adrian on my hip to take into my room.

"Trey what's going on!" Kera yelled at me as I placed the both of them bed.

"Kera I don't know okay, either something is trying to get in or has already gotten in." I say.

"What?" Her tears start to form and she looked scared, yeah I was too but I couldn't show it. I have to be the man of the house. The loud alarm kept alarming me getting ready to now awake Adrian.

"Keep this door locked until I get back." I say leaving as she kissed me, closing and locking the door. I took my gun, which I kept in the camouflaged safe in the hallway. I looked in the surveillance cameras that is connected to the downstairs giving a view if anyone is down there.

I switched from, the kitchen camera, to the living room, dinner rooms, bathrooms, guest rooms, the patios, my home studio, the game room, the gym, the home movie theater, the gates, the front yard, closets, hallways, stairways and anything else. It was just a broken window in the living room but no footprints of any sorts, and the doors were still locked. I made sure to turn on all the lights from the upstairs security box. Slowly I went downstairs, checking each room area and place, but nothing.

I found the broken window, and glass and could tell someone tried to get in. I swept the glass to the side, checked the doors once more knowing they must of fucked up the gates. I decided on getting a hotel right now so I could figure this all out. I texted the five star hotel I have on my speed dial, in a matter of five minutes the gave me a room for a two week stay. I jogged upstairs and took the spare key of the master bed, where Kera and the kids were to unlock the door.

They all gasped realizing it was just me who had unlocked the door. "Trey I'm scared." Kera says trying to calm the kids, I pull her into the hallway.

"Somebody tried too, they shot something through the window and probably messed up the gates, so I called a hotel you and the kids can stay at for right now so I can call the police okay." She nodded almost falling to the floor, I know all this is making her stressed and weak specially because she's pregnant. "I need you to stay strong baby please. Get dress, get the kids ready and go to the hotel I will be fine and will be there as soon as I get done!" I say kissing her forehead trying my best to help her relax.

Kera Neverson

I've been sitting in the hotel room for about an hour after checking in. I was so worried and scared who could've did that at two o'clock in the damn morning, harming myself, my unborn, and my family. I calmed Layla down and put Adrian back to sleep in room across Trey and I's room. Being that I was a stress pregnant eater, I order room service, paid the lady and took my cheese fries and into the kitchen like area.

It was three am and I'm eating worried for my husband. Why would anyone do this? Rather, who could have done this? I know this will make, The Shade Room, TMZ by tomorrow before anybody else could know and know our business would be all over the fucking world! I sighed placing the fries into the blue cheese hoping Trey is alright and everything is being taken care of. After I finished eating and washing down they food with a flavored water. I say a slightly prayer, praying this will al blow over and I can be back home, in my house and in my bed.

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