Watching You P.2

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Kera Neverson

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Kera Neverson

De'rell ended up going to the emergency room last night, and immediately after three hours he died. He wasn't getting any better then after what happend, I'm officially puzzled. I don't know what to do at this point. I've been up all night after leaving the hospital, and coming home. How do I deal with this unexpected news when all I was trying to do is help and forgive people. No De'rell doesn't need a freebie for what he's done to Trey and I. How does a person deal with all of this and the amount of time it took to happen.

Trey was upstairs, but I stayed in fron the living room to the kitchen. It's like I sat there and completely watched him die in the hospital room. The bags under my eyes got heavy and my heart was racing. It felt like this was my fault.

I was scared all night, even though he put me through hell and back, now I have/had nothing but love for him. Having haterid towards him wasn't going to better me as a person, a mother, a friend or a wife.

The anger in Trey's eyes, voice, and body language frightened me completely yesterday. Almost like he was ready to kill  instinctively. Not saying he killed De'rell. He acted as if after De'rell got out of jail I was still contact with him. No, I didn't even know I'd see De'rell at the Center, and damn sure didn't know any of this would happen.

My head spund around smelling whiffs of De'rell blood, the hospital, and myself because I didn't shower. I was scared mentally after seeing him ask for my help, couph up blood and Trey attacking him--

I ran to the bathroom making it,
just in time for the toilet. I through up whatever I ate last, which I don't remember eating at all. Now just throwing up liquids along too, until I was completely finished. The whole thing was bugging me out.

I felt like I could have saved his life, even though he was already dying. I could've prevent this from happening, If I would've spoken up.

Flushing the toilet, I wiped my mouth with a cold rag. My body was sweating all over again. I continued to wipe my mouth, and brush my teeth with a fresh toothbrush.

Hearing Trey and Layla in the kitchen so exit from the below bathroom, going upstairs to my bathroom. I needed to shower, and erase what has happened in the last twenty four hours.


I've been siting in the balcony in the guest bedroom down the hall from our bedroom. I wanted to vent what has happened in the last twenty four hours to someone. I also wanted to talk to Trey but none of that was up to my standards right now. The door was locked as I looked at the sight of California overhead.

Still receiving no type of sleep my eyes were heavy to even keep open. I was scared to blink, breath, let alone speak.
What am I supposed
to do?

Tremaine Neverson

I didn't know what went on when I wasn't here? I didn't know what Kera was doing with him? Was she still contact with him after all these years, can't be? He's sick... Was the pussy ass nigga sick or was that an excuse? Was my actions right to do because I felt this instinct; something telling him to not mess with me and my family after all these years.

Kera came in the door at five o'clock in the morning from where? She stayed at the health center because why? My mind wasn't functioning but I had to put on my brave face for the kids while hearing Kera throw up. The kids and I went downstairs to start on the blueberry waffles but my mind was else where wanting answers.

"Daddy where is mommy?" Lay quizzed.

"She upstairs."

"I'll get her..." She hopped down from the stool.

"No--" I stop her, "Let mommy get some rest." She got back up on the stool a little startled.

How would we react? What Would I say? What what she say?

Kera Neverson

Two days has progressed

Trey took the kids, over to mama April's house, because she was on the phone wanting to see them again. I called and made a appointment with my sister(physical therapist) to tell her what happened. It was going to be hard, but I couldn't keep this in forever. I know I can't.

After I threw up again from immediate morning sickness, I don't really know why I'm sick other than no, no, no... that can't be it.


"Hey Kera." She welcomed me into a hug and instinctively I started crying.

"Okay sit and breath and when you ready, began where you want too." Her voice was calm and soothing.

I sat there snatching my thoughts and blowing my nose, start? So ten years ago...
Yesterday Trey....

"Recently De'rell Kingston my longtime ago ex boyfriend died. Him and I go way back, about ten years ago. Things got rough between us and he ended up raping me, beating me and harming me. At one point there was love, but that died. So after I met Trey and thought he'd leave me alone,

He raped me again, killing the baby Trey and I was going to have. He was obsessed with me or something then once Trey got in the picture really blew him over. I'd thought he leave me alone, plus calling the cops never did any good because he was the type to never get caught.

So after about nine months Trey and I being together, once we got back together De'rell came back kidnapped me plus that being 'round the time Trey got shot. Anyway it was De'rell's plan and people who shot Trey and kidnapped me. And thats when he went to jail." I paused for a second trying to let my stomach stop turning from being nervous.

"Take your time Ker."

"So then Trey and I broke up over shit, that's a whole different story. And Trey finding out the woman that he was dealing was De'rell cousin, and she went to jail also. So then we got back together for the eighth time and this happend. De'rell ended up asking for help since, he was diagnosed with heart disease. Trey came back from his tour, fought De'rell and he died this morning."

"Woah, that's a lot. Have you talked to Trey at all since you've been home?"

"No. I really don't know what say, after he acused me of cheating and being in contact with him." I explained.

"What do you want to be done?"

"I wanna talk to Trey, I also want time to myself and to top it off, I still have two kids, my business and I think I'm pregnant." Her eyebrows rose.

"Well, when you feel your ready talk to Trey. Tell him everything and stop acting on your feelings so much. Use your head."

"I do do that a lot."

"Keep talking to people, don't bottle this in. Its not good." She suggested as I nodded.

"Thanks sis." I hugged her for what seemed like forever.

Happy Summer, happy reading.
Book 4 part coming soon, who's ready? Drop a comment & vote.😩

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