Merry Christmas

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Morning arrived quickly and I was the first one up. Trey got up momentarily after smacking my ass in the bathroom, kissing my lips and neck then saying merry Christmas.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I kiss his lips wrapping my arms around his neck.

I put my robe on just when I trek my way into the kids room.

"Get up its Christmas." I say to Layla as her eyes wake and she's beaming with joy.

The kids race downstairs as I grab Adrian's who was awake. He started making baby noises as I changed his diaper quickly.

Trey was making breakfast, as the kids opened up most of the gifts back to back. Trey end up getting all their names on a gold plac. Even his and my names.

I guess he was letting the grits cook along with whatever else, as he came in to open his gift. He placed baby Adrian on the couch, laying down.

Trey opened one of my gifts to him, seeing his favorite football team; Redskins slippers, pajamas and a big ass rug he could put in his studio.

"Damn baby. Thank you." He says kissing me.

"Okay okay open mine!" Layla says handing Tremaine her gift.

It was a small posters she made, framed into a glass frame. It had pictures of her and Trey on it, with the quote front center.

With all the music you do, the songs that you make. You manage to best the best dad in the world. I'm truly great to have a great person like you.

Love, Layla.

A tear feel from my cheek, as he kissed her and thanked her. "I'ma keep this forever." He said putting it on the couch, checking on the food. Gifts were passed around with so much joy.

We were all dressed but, were going separate ways. I wanted to be with my family and vise versa. I guess Layla had to choose where she wanted to go, and I was taking Adrian.

All of us walked outside as I strapped my little king in his carseat. Layla hopped in the car with Trey because I'd be going to Mama April's later on. Jayden was being dropped of with his mother soon.

"Once I eat, and talk. I'll come by Mama April's because I know she wants to see Adrian." He nodded and kissed my lips passionately.
"Love you." I say and he says it back once we departed ways.


"Hey sis." I said entering the house with Adrian sleeping.

My family was here all running around the house like wild animals. My mom and aunts cooked a lot since we had Spanish meals as well.

They came over to baby Adrian looking at him, awwing at how handsome he is. I shot a text to my friends and close people all at once.

Merry Christmas.

Same to you.

Everyone pretty much said the same thing back while I tasted some of the stuffing my aunt makes which is the best. I couldn't wait to eat, smelling this food was agonizing.

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