You Love Him Right?

313 14 2

Tremaine Neverson

Layla, and Adrian and I went to HersheyPark, since I did promise them a surprise when, I was on FaceTime

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Layla, and Adrian and I went to HersheyPark, since I did promise them a surprise when, I was on FaceTime. Three, securities along with JayR, Chris and his daughters, and KidRed.

"Hurry up daddy." Layla says running over to Khalani. I put Dre in the stroller and grabbed what I needed from the car.
Chris carried Kalani, as we all walked over to get in.

Even though what I feeling right now about the situation with my wife, I didn't let it get to me and rub off on my kids. I didn't need that. Speaking of Kids, Jayden must of started his basketball summer camp, he still wanted to go after what happened. Very proud of him.

"When the last you talked to Aug?" Chris questions while making faces at Kalani.

"I will be so glad when you stop asking me that shit."

"Look, uncle Trey being mean." He faked her towards Kalani.

"Stop uwncle Twrey!" I rolled my eyes at him, and smiled at Lani.

We went up to some kiddie rides to let the kids get on some. I grabbed Adrian sitting in the pool noodles to get ready to go down the slide. Adrian looked like he was having the time of his life, forgetting that, Kera wasn't with him.

Kera Neverson

Seriya and slept in the same bed (not like that) just because its more of our emotions and pregnancy thing. We stayed up all night winning and eating Marcus's snacks. The bed invested in, Poptarts, icecream, potatoe chips, icecream, and pickles.

We woke up smelling cooking, so Marcus must be cooking breakfast. He probably now knew we ate his food and snacks. I rose up to wash my face, brush my teeth. Once I finished Seriya had that same daydreaming look again.

"Do you think I should give up on me and August?" She inquired sitting up holding a Emoji pillow.

"To be honest no, and I'm not just saying that because you my sister, but because yall are perfect togethet. Don't let this situation put you down, or make you give up on him. Be there for your kids. And become Mrs. Alsina." I sat next to her as she smiled a bit. I guess this good night sleep made her see things differently.

"Take your own advice."  She says wobbling to the bathroom.

"Not that easy anymore."

10 minutes later.

I sat on the balcony as she came out of the bathroom giving me a hug. What I mean by it not being so easy anymore is because Trey and I been through more shit, than Before August and Seriya even knew about each other.

I can't have make-up sex with Trey and then for the next six months to year something else comes up. I can't keep pushing my feelings to the side. Everything is already behind closed doors,

"Ker it's okay. Did I say something wrong?" She asked rubbing my back.

"No." My voice crack is evident.

"You still love Trey right?" I looked at her, my eyes overflowing with tears, her eyes getting wet, that look possibly said everything.

"Not like I use too." My face went into my palms and immediately I was bawling my eyes out.

She let me control myself before she asked any further questions.

"What are you feeling towards him righy now?" Seriya says.

"Tired, irritation. This is wayy deeper than a lot of other shit."

"I know. You and Trey been together for eleven years. You ready to let that go?"

"I-I don't know." I looked at the sky, it was a beautiful summer sunny day in Cally, but all I saw a rain storm full of hate.

She hugged me holding my hand. This feeling was twelve times worst than what her August going through. Again, no relationship is a happy ending, happy beginning everything is lollipops and flowers, and the world is at peace. Helll No! This is times where you feel like that,  where you can reach to that, but there are times where you feel this world is coming to an end, your heart hurts, and all you do is overthink. I wished life was like a Disney movie unfortunately this is the real world, with real people. Sane and insane. Good and bad. Love and hate.

Marcus came out into the balcony with a slight smile on his face.

"Pregnant people, I made breakfast." He says helping Kera and myself up.

"Thank you." I say hugging him.

"You welcome sis."

"Are you mad at us for eating your snacks Marcieee?" Seriya says.

"No, because you penguins need your food." He continued to smile.

A hour later.

"Thank you love, I love yall so much." Seriya says leaving to go home and work things out with Aug.

"Welcome penguin." He says just when I slip on my shoes and head out.

"Want me to drop you off?" Marcus asks giving eye contact.

"No, I'll walk."

"Kera are you crazy it's like a fourty five minute walk. On highways and all." He joked. "It's too damn far."

"I need to clear my head."

"I know things are off with you and Trey but it'll get better--" He says before I cut him off and snap.

"Don't come with that 'oh Kera it's gonna get better bullshit..., Kera you and Trey are perfect for each other...' I'm tired. I been to hell and back with that nigga! Just tell me what to do please!" I screamed-cried.

Straightaway his arms wrapped around me into his embrace. I just wished I knew, if it was time to give up.

"I'm so sorry Marcus I didn't mean--"

"It's okay I understand your situation, and you need to do what only you feel it's right. Only thing I can do is guide you. In the end you make your decisions." He says kissing my forehead.

"But, your are going to have to talk to him, let him know where you stand. And don't let his dick influence you into making a dick-choice." I giggled hitting his chest.

"Thank you, i love you so much."

"Love you to penguin."

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