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Kera Neverson

Trey didn't come home at all. I haven't heard from him literally in about a day. He didn't text me at all today and hadn't come home. I was worried and frightened, Was he out cheating on me? Did something happened? Where is my husband?

I took a few deep breaths in and out, hopefully nothing happened to him or anybody else.

In a good note Layla's date went well since we had a girl's night and talked about it eating iceream. I'm always and mom and a best friend to my children.

Today my sister, her kids, Layla and I agreed on going to Dennys for breakfast. Resting in bed for a little bit more until it was time to get dressed.

Tremaine Neverson

I've been siting in the hospital for about ten hours now. Jayden luckily got shot in the arm and it didn't do that much damage. I sat in this room looking at him. Currently he was sleep, but at this point how do I disiplin him? And no more games.

I know for a fact as of right now Jayden and Nia will be staying with me up until I find them a place near and safe. The neighborhood they're in now isn't safe and has a terrible influence of Jayden.

Mama was here but seeing him better warmed her heart, she also was going to have a talk with him. He'd be twelve soon, and already doing shit as if he's twenty. I really hope he see's this as a warning.

And thank God the media didn't know the whole story to it and it wasn't big. All they know is that he's in the hospital, and that's all they going to know. I hate the fact, that they're all over my damn ass and business.

My phone died last night, and I didnt get a chance of text Kera and my family so I hope they aint go crazy.

"Trey." Mama slapped me out if ny thoughts.


"Hang in there. And be there for him. Obviously something or someone at home or school, is really got him influenced get him before its too late Trey."

"I know mama, but I'm trying to manage my career, my wife, my one years old, my daughter it's a lot and I know even though, Jayden goes from his momma house to mine, that's probably one of the reasons."

"I know you love music every since you were in diapers but familys comes first."

"I just took time off."

"Well figure it out and fast." She says leaving, most likely going to the vending machine or the café.
I sighed deeply as, he just woke up just and his nurse and doctor walked in.

"Your up." Nurse London smiled as Jayden gave a weak fake smile back.

"How you feeling?" Doctor Troy asked getting his pen out.

"Okay." Jayden replys, his voice was barely a whisper.

"Your really lucky ya' know. The bullet could have gone through your heart, or some place that couldn't be recovered. And you have great parents you should be appreciative." Nurse London smiled.

After they gave him his medicine and things he needed, they left to run more tests, mama kissed his forehead said goodbyes and left.
I sat there for a while collecting my thoughts.

"What's really going on?" I shot out, sitting next to his bedside. Nia was next to me wondering the same thing.

"Ion know."

"Cut that shit out now, I'm asking you a question and you've been saying ion know for the past month." My voice raised a little.

"Forget it! You go the studio, you worry about Kera, Layla and Adrian. You barely even notice me and I damn sure don't need you in my life." He snaps abd excuse his cussing.

I never felt this kind of pain. This was a whole other level and it hurted to hear ny own child say he doesn't need me in his life, when I'm the one who gave him his life. I sighed getting up to collect my thoughts, change clothes, and come back once he's cooled off. This was definitely all too much.

Kera Neverson

My sister and I was finishing up our meal at Dennys along with the kids. My nieces and Layla looked alike and acted aliked it was so cute and joyful at the time.

"So where do you work?" She giggled and I sip my coffee.

"I'm a physical therapist and even sometimes I have to talk to myself to help me. Have my own place and everything." We laughed.

"Oh that's nice."

"And we all know what you do miss model and QC shop." I blushed, my success was also my baby.

"How long have you been married?"

"I'm maried to the kids father, they are my everything. He's been my crush since college and from then on been my soul mate."

"Aww sis." She chuckled.

"Can't believe I'm taking to you, your still best friend and I still feel comfortable around you. I love you Kera. I'm so glad I reached out to you."

"I love you to Korea." I wiped her tear and we hugged across the table.

After the kids finished eating we paied the bill and walked out. I strapped Dre in his carseat and Layla hugged her cousin goodbye.

"You and the kids definitely need to come by for dinner sometime."

"Will definitely do sis, alright see ya."

"Love you."

"Love you too." The kids waved while Layla played with Adrian.

Still no text from Trey. Shaking my damn head he better have a good excuse.

As I got home Layla was sleep as was Dre and Tremaine's Range was in the driveway, meaning he was home. I shook Layla as she woke, up grabbing Dre.

Entering the house Layla went upstairs and took a nap, most likely as I put Dre in his crib. Peaking into my bedroom, the shower just cut off. I sat on the bed checking my emails.

He then came out with shorts and a black Nike tshirt. He moved around me as if I didn't exist.

"Where were you? No texts, no calls and you came home today. A day later you-" I spoke until he stopped me.

"Kera don't start with no bullshit today. I'm not in the fucking mood. Jaden got shot and is in the hospital."

"And you felt, you didn't need to text me."

"My phone died. Damn!"

"Drop your own attitude. I did nothing to you."

"Shut the hell up." I did so. I had nothing else to say to him. And again and again, he treats me like some hoe or some video bitch. I walked downstairs grabbing a glass a water to collect my thoughts.

Shut the hell up!

Was this the guy that I married?

Comment and vote. Getting writers block on some chapters but enjoy. Kinda boring tbh.😒

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