Losing You

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Marcus, Seriya and Kera in the media😍

Kera Neverson

The tv wasn't keeping my focus specially because it's not even on. I've been staring at the black screen for the last three hours. After talking to my sister yesterday actually helped, but now I feel like a piece of shit. It happened three days ago, meaning Trey and I haven't talked, sleep together, not even seen each other and we live in the same house.

Everytime he'd come, I'd go up stairs until he leaves. No food has been near me for the past few days, on top of all that I'm officially pregnant. I took a test this morning, I was scared out of my mind. Was I ready for another child?

I soon felt tears come down my eyes, I didn't feel like I was crying because I showed no emotion. Tears ran down my face, but I stared blankly at the black screen.

With out hesitation, Trey came in the house. I didn't look at him but, knew he was burning a hole on the side of my face. He moved slowly as I got up going upstairs. He grabbed my arm before I reached the third step.

"We need to talk."

"T-There isn't a-anything to talk a-about." I form the words that depart from my lips.

"Kera s-stop doing this."

"De'rell's dead Trey!" I snap out.


"He died three hours after being rushed to the hospital, he had heart disease and it was getting worse."

"Im-Im---" He grabbed my body bringing in into a overpowering hug, that I wanted and needed.

"I'm pregnant." I say as he kisses my forehead looking straight into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He says looking directly into my eyes.


"No Kera. That man was a crazy ass nigga wanting to harm you and our family but, Karma caught up to him and he couldn't do anything about it. I hated him and seeing you take care of him and the center just fucked me up badly. I thought the worse and the worse happened for him. I didn't mean for any of this or the stress but he gone now."

"I know I'm sorry." I say and we just look at each other not knowing how to handle this.

As I was trying to gather my thoughs while sitting next to Trey. His hand locked with mine as our shinning rings sparkled.

"I felt like this was my fault---" I finally found the courage let alone, words to speak.

"It's not. He was already dying and I didn't even know, Kera don't blame yourself. Karma came back to him. I should've never said your were dealing with him, when you were right by my side. I just acted apon my feelings and im sorry."

"How many sorry's am I going to hear from you? I get everyone makes mistakes, but I'm so sick of you treating me like this." I let his hand go.

"You know I love you--"

"We've been through so much, not saying couples are supposed to be perfect, but this is too much."

"What are you saying baby?"

"I-I just n-need to clear my head."
Tears flowed out of my eyes, as I walked out of the house. Hearing him call my name a few times.

Where exactly was I going?

Hours later.

Marcus came and picked me and Seriya up. After she got into the car, her and I, both explained our situations as we went inside his place. His wife and three year son was somewhere on vacation.

We all sat on the couch, but Seriya and I stared at the wall. No words needed to be said, to know the feeling and pain we were in right now.

"So wait why did that father comment you said to August made him flip out so much." Marcus quizzed.

"He's told me things in the past that he hasn't shared with no one but me about his father, and why he's dead. But it just slipped out because I was so mad about his video choices. Now jeopardizing the baby, because when I went to the doctor's even he knew that I was stress." Her voice was shaking.

"So have you told him you completely didn't wanna get married and your done?"

"I haven't talked to him in two weeks."

Tremaine Neverson

No, It wasn't Kera's fault, and it wasn't mine. That night seeing Kera with him, made me feel psychopathic. I never thought I'd Id see, or hear him again. After everythings he's did to Kera, me, my family. I ran up to him making sure he felt every punch that I gave.

I wanted him dead, all long time ago. He's raped my wife, killed my unborn, shot me, kidnapped Kera, and had his hoe cousin try to influence me on some shit.

I act apon my feelings in everything, everyone does, but now I'm realizing it's pulling Kera away from me. Not just about what happened a few days, everything. She's never gave me a reason, to make me believe she's cheating on me, lying to me. But as she's said, I treat her like shit.

Maybe I need to see a therapist and talk to Kera with one, because I don't need to lose her. She gave me three, and counting kids. She's the best thing that's ever happen to me besides my music. I just can't lose her.

Adrian and Layla were at my cousins house, at a party as I came back home to get fresh air. Then Kera left before I even got a chance speaking. I don't need to lose my wife again and again.

Kera Neverson

"You forgive him after everything he did?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, I've learned that dwelling on something or someone from the past won't get you to the future. I never will forget what De'rell did to my family but I forgave him, I did." I wiped my tears.

"Why isn't Trey being the man you need right now? Why do most men fucking treat women like shit but when they want  some pussy we jumping and shit I don't get it!" Seriya shouted thinking out loud.

"There isn't a lot of good men as they say about us but men are usually the ones cheating and being the dogs let alone bitch ass niggas. I just want a respectable man and comfort when I need it. And For Trey or anybody else having other things and not necessarily focus on their wife's and girlfriends. I'm tired of that." I stated.

"Me too. August stupid ass didn't realize he was literally putting his unborn in danger. I'll admit what I said was wrong but for him to lay hands on me was outrageous." Marcus came back with some tea.

"Shit is crazy as hell." He says.

"How you and Mill." I ask using a nickname towards his wife.

"We good, she in Toronto letting Gardell see some of his family." Gardell was his son. Can't believe she made Marcus straight and they have a son not that, that is a bad thing it's quite cool.

"Well enough of that speaking of feelings I wanna lay down." Seriya said.

"Alright guest bedrooms upstairs penguins." He turned the lamp off and we went upstairs. Marcus is like a brother who can still give us fashion tips and a shoulder to lean on and I know for a fact, both Seriya and I appreciate him to the ends.

Just an update for you because I'm awesome😌

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