Lucky I Love You

411 21 1

Kera Neverson

Sundays weren't that bad, I was up before anyone else doing my morning hygiene and getting breakfast started. I proceeded down the steps taking out bacon and eggs.

Thirty minutes later, two wild animals also known as Layla and Trey came down looking for food.

"Morning baby." Trey's lips kiss my cheek.

"Morning mommy." I say good morning back as she sit in the kitchen island, on her iPad.

"You still going to the American Girl store today?" I ask in a whisper voice.

"Yeah." He says helping me with the hashbrowns and the rest of the food.

"Damn fuck! I forgot I had-" He sighed, but I didn't approve of his cussing in front of Layla not one bit.

"Tremaine! Watch your mouth!" I yell hoping Layla was to intrigued by her iPad that she didn't hear him.

"No! I forgot I have to go to the studio today for Will, because he leaving tomorrow."

"You promised Layla." I said pouring glasses of orange juice.

"I'ma call him see if he can hold that 'tull tomorrow."

"You know how I feel about cussing in front of Layla. Specially those strong inappropriate words."

"I know I know, I'm sorry." He gives me a quick kiss and then starts to prepare plates of breakfast.


Tremaine Neverson

Luckily Will said he was staying the rest of the week so now I could still keep my promise and take Layla to the American Girl store. She was so excited carrying her doll as I parked.

She jumped out of the car and rushed me before I could register anything.

"Hurry Trey." She said, calling me by the first name.

"Excuse me."

"I mean hurry daddy." Layla said grabbing my hand still pushing me to move at a faster pace. We made it inside seeing little girls and parents shopping for this stuff.

She ran over to the new dolls they had in stock looking at them threw the glass. Her room was already filled with this stuff but I couldn't say no. "Daddy can I get this doll too?"

"You said you wanted outfits." She always tricking me saying she's coming for one thing and end up leaving with everything. And she get it from her momma.

"I do but this too. Pleeaassee." She made those cute eyes and had a lip quiver.

"Fine." She pulled my hand so I could bend down and give her a kiss. I tickled her little arms as she laughed uncontrollably.

Layla grabbed the doll making me carry it and some matching outfits for her and the doll. We took the escalator upstairs as she still wanted everything she could get her hands on.


Feeling like a century later we got to the counter to ring up the stuff she gathered. The cashier was blushing and shaking because of me. "Can I have your autograph?" She asked pausing, grabbing a pen and reaching her arm out.

I smiled and signed my name and Layla rolled her eyes slightly. She just thought I was a cool dad that had money. But I worked hard, many years for this and this is something that I love to do. Layla wasn't that spoiled, she got what she wanted because she deserved it. She studies for her tests, was the spelling bee champ of the first grade, exceeds her reading level and is on honor roll.

"Your total is seven hundred twenty eight dollars, sixty-five cents." I pay for the stuff with my debit card thanking the cashier.

"Can we eat at the café." Layla question pulling me with the bags in my hand over to the doll café. We pick a table, while I'm still carrying most of the bags to order lunch.

"This is nice." She said excitedly as I grinned. Because I put that smile on her face.

Kera Neverson

Right now I was doing a little yoga in the living room to relax myself and hopefully Adrian to stop kicking so much. Stretching from right to left in between breathing as best as I could.

My iPhone makes a ping sound as a message comes from my husband.

Spent $740 in one store. Help me.


Ain't shit funny Kera because she learned that from you... Anyways whatchu you doing?

Yoga. Adrian loves to kick.

My boy.

I dislike you.

I closed my phone up trying too get off the floor without taking an hour doing so. Only five minutes to do so going to the kitchen for a snack.


Sitting watching television all peacefully until Trey and Layla walk in making a lot of noise. Rocking myself back and fourth until I got off the couch because of this baby bump, seeing Trey with eight American Girl bags in his hands.

"Almost eight hundred dollars, you better be lucky I like you." Trey says as Layla hugs him.

"Thank you daddy I fun today." And that's where the tears rushed in once he picked her up and they had that father-daughter moment.

"I love you princess." Trey says placing her down and she runs to me.

"Look what I got!" She yells with enthusiasm. She runs over to the bag pulling out her new doll, clothes and such. I gave Trey a kiss as he sighs shaking his head.

"Did you eat?" I ask looking at all the stuff he brought her.

"Yes, we ate at the place and they had these cake ball things and they were good."

"You ain't bring me none."I pout faking.

"Yeah, I only brought the strawberry flavor, chocolate, vanilla and peanut butter because they were all out of some." Layla said bringing me the box of dessert. Anything sweet and or saltly I'll eat it. Being pregnant my hormones fly up and so does my appetite.

"Tell daddy to come back and help take this stuff up, so me and you can set up the room."

"Okay." I chuckle knowing Trey he's probably tired.

He was stretched out of the couch watching his usual sports center. I grin seeing him eyeing me but his facial expressions was funny and adorable.

"She want you to help her take the bags upstairs. You tired?" He chuckles a bit.

"Yeah, she kept pulling me left and right wanting everything her eyes saw." He sighed and got up to help Layla.


"Layla it's time to go to bed, you have school tomorrow." I say as she sits on Trey's lap on the bed.

"Mommy five more minutes."

"No, because then your going to say five more minutes when it's time to get up in the morning." She huffed and puffed as they walked out, so he could tuck her in.

About five minutes later Tremaine comes back into the room, from the foot of the bed making his way up toward me. He sets sweet kisses on my belly rubbing it softly.

"Seven hunit." I say laughingly.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." He says with no tone of emotion. "She get it from you, because that one vacation we took you made me spend five grand just on shoes."

"You love us though right." I more so stated than asked.

"Better be lucky that I do." He pecks my lips a few times and we fall asleep.

I guess Layla and Kera lucky Trey loves them😜. Please comment and vote for the next chapter. Excuse mistakes!

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