A Pregnancy Thing

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Tremaine Neverson

Today was Kera's seventh doctors appointment. She didn't really like going to the appointments, fearing something bad but that wasn't up for discussion. Layla was already at school, and Kera peacefully slept until I places kisses all over her body. She squirmed while waking up and I stopped kissing her body.

"I'll reschedule the appointment." She says putting the covers back over.

"No, today is the day Kera!"

"Tremaine no!" She whines getting ready to cry.

"Awe Kera, get up the appointment is today and you can't reschedule." I pick her up bridal style heading to the bathroom.

She frowns at me wiping her tear. She cries over the smallest things when she's pregnant it's kind of cute and annoying.

After we took a shower and got dressed I made a quick breakfast, so she really wouldn't be cranky at the office.

"Breakfast was good?" I ask but she nods in moodiness.


"Your having a very healthy baby boy and you should be proud." Our doctor said, and once Kera face smiled widely I couldn't help but fall back in love all over again. "Next appointment it two weeks from now." He tells us and we nodd. I help Kera off the doctors bed and we leave.

We were now heading to our private mommy and me class with two other couples. We just felt like the regular classes was too open, but the private lessons we're more familiar with the couples and actually have gotten close these few months.

Couple one was the funny one, Stephine and Cameron, the type of white people who act black but they were dope people. And Yandy with her husband Terran, they were black. Yandy was from Hispaniola, so was Kera a little so they spoke a lot of Spanish. I sat chillin with the men.

"Yandy Omg agradable para usted otra vez." (Yandy Omg nice to see you again)

"Usted también casi la hora de entregar estos bebés." (You too almost time to deliver these babies)

Everyone got here and the class got started. The instructor was a nice white lady in her thirties.


We drove home but Kera was still mad that I agreed with the guys, that women are cranky when their pregnant. She hasn't said a word to me within the last hour or two.

"Kera?" I say rubbing her leg, but she moved over and looked out the car window.

Making it home, she still didn't get out but didn't say a word either. I was sitting in the car on my phone not necessarily wanting to get out. Leah, Mea's daughter texted me around eleven knowing she better be in school.

Uncle Trey is there a possibility that you can get two Bryson Tiller tickets?

Possibly why? You only contact me when you want something...

Thats not true, you got me mixed up with Moe. I always talk to you when I can❤

Right, I'm sorry. Yeah I'll see if I can get the tickets by friday. Mea's letting you and Leah go?

Yes, she dropping us off though.

Ain't you suppose to be in school.

No it was no school today for me & Lena.

Okay I'll let you know by Friday.

K Thanks.

Kera was still looking out the window as I eyed her in. I grabbed her hand and this time she didn't take it back.

"I love you." I say but she doesn't speak. "How long you gon keep this up baby? I need you to talk to me."

"Bien hasta que uno crece y no decir cosas que me pone en mis sentimientos. Me duele mucho que sabes." (Well until you grow up and not say stuff that gets me in my feelings. It really hurts you know) I took Spanish in high school, but I didn't know shit she said. Something about, feelings, very much. I really don't know.

"It's very sexy that you speak Spanish, specially my favorite word Papi but I don't know whatchu just said at all." She giggled finally looking at me. The face I love every time I see it.

"Papi is your favorite word huh." Her lips brush on to mine, and once out lips fully touch the kiss becomes, wilder, nastier and sexy.

Three minutes later we pull away from each other and she wipes the lipstick off my lips.

"Damn it's time to go pick up Layla." I say pulling put of the driveway. "Well, that amazing kiss took like a hour."

"Tremaine it was more like five minutes."

"Well maybe I need twenty minutes of that a day." She giggled rubbing her belly.

"I'm hungry!" She says.

"We'll pick up Layla and stop by somewhere to eat."


"Hey Laybear how was your day at school?" Kera asks

"Good, and I'll tell you something else later." She says but what was the reason, I couldn't know about.

"Why can't daddy hear?" Kera inquires.

"Because, he's because..."

"Ooohhhhh." Now I think they got some type of mother daughter girl code.

"I hope you know I'll find out." I say.

She didn't say anything as we rode to Subway. We got out eating going to eat inside.

"I ain't cooking later so if you get hungry eat ya leftovers." I said but Kera rolls her eyes.

"Soccer practice don't start until next week." I remind Layla while she eats her kids meal. "You excited?"

"Yeah, the other team won't even win." She says as I high five her.

"My bestfriend today she spilled her chocolate milk on this girl and now she looked like she didn't make it to the bathroom in time." Kera and I giggled at Layla. "It was funny."

Hours later Kera and Layla were outside doing homework on the patio while I finished my songs in the studio.

Kera Neverson

"Oh, so mommy you can't tell daddy about this. Okay?" Layla says referring to the thing she had to tell me about.


"So it's this boy Carter and he likes me and I like him."

"Really!" I yell a bit but she shuts me up.

"Mommy! Voice bring it down! She replies sounding like a military instructor.

"Sorry really yall like each other?"

"And he's on the soccer team too though." We had the girl moment, as she got on my lap.

"But if daddy finds out, he'll run him away." She grabs her pencil from her backpack.

"Let's not worry about that right now." I say and we get started on her homework.

Around nine am Layla was hopefully slept by then, as Kera ate yogurt and pretzel. She always had these cravings the later it got, and the more kids she has the weirder it gets. One time at three in the morning she was downstairs eating a chicken salad sandwich and ice cream. But that's my baby, my wife, my lover, my everything and I wouldn't trade her for nothing.

Haven't been updating in a while I know😑 I'll try too tho
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