Finally Happy

434 17 7

Kera Neverson.

Within these last week in a half, Trey and I probably got a hour of sleep- the girls kept us up all night. It's not just one baby, double the diapers changes, wash ups, breastfeeding pretty much everything. On the other hand I couldn't be more happier to be a mother. We got the privilege to take the girl homes a week ago, since both of them were healthy with no problems, thank God. With the New year here, I want my family to be the best they could possibly be.

While everyone was asleep, I got up to do my hygiene and afterwards placing my robe on, catching the elevator downstairs so I could start on breakfast. The kids were on the winter break so I knew I had to cook extra.

While cooking the eggs I hear one of the babies crying, but all I could do was smile, and think double the blessing. Since the girls were upstairs I'm pretty sure Trey is trying to calm her down.

Once the eggs were done, so was the bacon and english muffins. I take the glasses out from the cabinet, and the orange juice from the refrigerator. I dry my hands off with the towel, grabbing the baby bottles from the fridge to put them in the baby bottle warmer. Then going upstairs to wake the kids if not already woke, and grab Adrian.

Walking into the hallway and into the Trey and I's conjoined bedroom, I see him cradling Alissya. Avanni was awoke playing with her lights in her crib. Trey grabbed her carrying both of them at once, and I immediately snap a picture, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Aww." I cooed at him, kissing his lips and rubbing both Avanni and Alissya's little butt's. He gave me Avanni as we went downstairs, to eat breakfast along with Adrian, Layla and Jayden. I fixed everyone's plates while holding my baby. Eventually Trey and I started feeding the twins, and Layla fed Adrian him some eggs.

"School tomorrow." I beamed to the kids but the looks on their faces, said otherwise.

"I like it and all, but I hate getting up." Layla complained while taking sips of her orange juice.

"Well you gotta go so no complaining." Trey says burping Allisya.

"Momma!" Adrian shouted holding his little spoon in the air.

"What baby." I cooed at him playing with his head full of curls.


"Okay, we'll play when I put your sisters
to sleep." I say to him, knowing damn well I'm tired and wanted to go to sleep myself, but couldn't.

After everyone finished eating, Trey got the girls taken care of, he made Jayden and Layla do the dishes, while Adrian and I played on the floor.

"What letter is this Dre?" I question holding up his toy alphabet blocks.

"A." The excitement on his face was priceless.

"Good job baby!" I kiss his lips.

"Can I go out with Adian?" Jayden asked Trey, (Adian who is Forrest son).

"For what?" Tremaine replies.

"To chill, go bowling with Forrest..."

"Only for a few hours." Trey clarifies making faces at Avanni. Jayden raced upstairs while Layla sat on the couch.

"What's for dinner?" I asked Trey and Layla.

"Lay you pick." Trey says.


"I would have to go to the grocery store." I tell Tremaine making sure he was okay with that.

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