Time For A Change

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Seriya Pascarella

The new year is here, and I couldn't be more happier with my bestfriend and lover August. We been through some shit, so this is nice to have a daughter and a real man. It was now the end of January and this year I feel real good about. I've thought about having more kid(s) it's just so undescribed. I don't know what to feel.

August just got in from working out at the gym with Lucus, his homeboy. Aniya was at school learning her little butt off.

I step out of the shower wrapping a towel around myself. Facing the opposite direction of the bathroom door, I turn the shower head off feeling a pair of long ass manly hands on my waist. It was obviously Alsina.

"Move ugly." I say looking at his face. And shidd he was definitely far from ugly. He had no shirt on, with his body, abs being moist from sweat. His joggers rode low showing his V lining. I pretended I didn't see that walking to the other side of the bathroom.

As I was looking for something in the mirror cabinet I felt his body press up against mine. His hand snuck up under the split of my towel rubbing on my pussy. My heart started beating at a faster pace as he moved in motion making me wet. He quickly licked his finger placing it back on my pussy and entering me.
He turned my around so I was facing him, as he snatched my towel off from me. He juicy lips hit my neck, as he pumped faster and slower pushing his long fingers inside of me.

"Alsina!" Five years later and I still call him that. His breathing become close to my air to let me know he wanted me to cum. My body started shaking as he added another finger. Just as the continued I came on him, and he licked his fingers completely. The lust in our eye screamed as he grabbed me by my waist picking me up. My legs wrapped around him as he brought me to the bed. I pulled off his joggers and Kline's seeing his thick long member right in front of me. I give it a small kiss and a few strokes standing up to give August a kiss.

He smacks my ass pushing me on the bed climbing on top of me. I wrap my hands around his body as he sucks onto my breasts.

Before I knew it he adjust himself in my entrance giving me long deep strokes. At first it was just the head but, he knew I wanted more. He goes slowly for a while knowing it's agonizing me as I bit my lip from yelling. He growls hungrily in my ear, "Riya you want all of me?" He bites down on my neck as I nod. I knew he wasn't me to speak but, the size and pace of his dick makes me speechless.

"You ignorin' daddy?" He asks now filling me up still moving slowly. This what he meant by taking all this dick.

"N-No." I mumbeled.

"I can't hear you baybeh." He strokes in all the way, and I feel my eyes roll back. My mind isn't even functioning and he had a nerve to ask questions.

"Daddy ALSINA. FASTER!" He smiled in no time things starting to bounce, shake and rumble. He speeded up like there was no tomorrow going deep. His hands grip my waist as my breasts bounced in between us. Even though I had just got out of the shower, this sex couldn't stop anything.

Quickly but sexual carefully he let me get on top of him, so I could finish. I threw my body back and he held my hips so I could do some of the work. He pulled my hair and went deeper in me. He pulled my head hard and placed his hand around my neck. "Damn." I moaned. "You know I like that shit," I told him. He squeezed, and we both grunted against each other. Just when we thought we weren't going to make any more loud noises, we both finished.

Hot as we both were I got off August with sweat on me. He kissed my lips a bunch of times pulling the sheets over us. Damn I was supposed to go in for work today. Oh, well. Someone will fill in for me.

Kera Neverson

I just got done finishing the dishes while Adrian played in his crib. He kept making baby noises and smiling so today was great day for him. I decied to call the boutique to check on it. Haven't been there in months, because of Adrian's needs.

"Hey Mark how's is it going."

"Fine, the new shipment still ain't come in yet." He says nonchalant.
"Where my baby king?"

"Oh, he in his playpin."

"Seriya ass ain't come in. Knowing August, probably was getting that."

"Your so silly, yet true. I should text her and be like: how ya legs feel?" I say as we laugh.

"Well Aright Ker, text me later." He says as we say goodbyes.

Tremaine Neverson

Still at the studio working. I would rather be home up under my wife but, this wasn't as bad. Lauren wanted a few songs done but, damn.

"That beat feel right." I say adjusting the volume.

"Think so?" Lauren blushed out of no where and smiled, like she saw something amazing.

"Yeah." No tone of emotion.

"Let me go take a break right quick." The sound guy announced going out into the hall.

Lauren giggled out in the open so I asked her "What?" I honestly didn't know what was funny.

"Member that time you kissed me for the first time. You were more nervous than I was." She jokes remembering those days.

"Yeah." I chuckle laughingly.

"Then things went left ..."

"You still on that?" I ask.

"It still bothers me Trey! I should have been your first. You treat me like crap."

"Laur, you on some new bullshit. My family comes first what we had was a long damn time ago. You know your boundaries with me."

"Wow. So I come second after all those night you snuck at my house wanting sex because of your parents. And I give in. Then we lost our--"

"That was damn near sixteen years ago."

"You know what I'll find someone else to do this music shit. You know where I stay getcha' to get your music shit. No need for me to come here no more!" She walks out and I sigh.

I didn't need her unnecessary, old news, ass stress. Yes of course something big happened, sixteen years ago. I was fifteen then and so young and dumb. I'm older now got a wife and family and she worried about that. I shot a quick text to the sound guy telling him to wrap it up. I wanted to head home to my wife.

Things change everyday. And the pass you have to move from. But nothing will ever be the same!

If you don't like the freaky scenes your welcome to skip. Just remember to vote 👈

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