Anything Happens Pt-4

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Kera Neverson

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Kera Neverson

It was well passed eleven o'clock, my sister, father, brother, mother, Brittany, Seriya, Chris and August and any one else, wouldn't stop calling. I know Trey told me not to answer to anyone until this shit blows over but I didn't know what to do.Adrian was washed up in his pajamas along with Layla as I texted Trey. I know he likes to be in the studio long hours but I just missed my husband. I wonder what he's doing. All of a sudden I hear knocking deciding on answering it, since the knocking wouldn't stop.

"Yes August?" I said eating some chocolate covered strawberries in a bowl, and opening the door.

"We've been worried sick about you, Trey and the kids." He says calmly stepping inside.

"I know with everything going on Aug he told me to stay out of the media, tell them I'm okay. You know Trey he likes to do things his way." I say and I'd knew he'd understand, he's had many family issues that's why I consider his as a brother. We made our way to the couch.

"Family is family but sometimes shit happens." I continued. Not to be choosing sides, but August is more understanding than Chris, he knows what family goes through and I respect that. I'm not saying Chris doesn't but, Chris just thinks life is a complete joke and all.

"Shit you telling me, I ain't even want my mama at the damn wedding but you see I put that a side." He says as I cuddle next to him, in a brother sister type way. My hormones were all over the place, and I miss Trey and he just so happend to be here.

"Seriya know you here?" I asked eating the chocolate from the strawberries first.

"No, I told her I was going to Chris'." He laughed. "Where Trey?"

"Studio. How'd you know we were here?" I quizzed snatching the hotel blanket go cuddle in.

"I guessed." He replies nonchalantly.

Tremaine Neverson

After being here for at least, four hours recording songs ready for the album with Dj Drama. My eyes were trying to stay awake and I knew that both of them were heavy. Checking the time on my Rolex,while pulling into the hotel parking lot. My body desperately needed a long well deserved hot shower. I bust open the door and ran into the bathroom, I needed to wash and I wanted to be cuddled up with my wife. After letting the water run along my body I felt a pair of hands around my stomach. Kera's, My wife's, my love's, my everything.

"You just now coming back?" She rolled her eyes, just as I kissed her lips backing her little self into the wall. My tongue escaped into her mouth just as my hand reached her thighs spreading them apart, the water ran down on us and I knew our love for each other heated up.

My fingers slipped inside her tightness just as she started moaned. Her head rest right on my shoulders just when she got, louder in my ear and my fingers pumped faster. "Daddy-- Trey ugh!"

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