Anything Happens Pt-1

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Kera Neverson.

Seven months pregnant, my contractions were mild and my hormones were sky rocketing and I was moody. Being pregnant was a pain in the ass. Currently the kids were at school and Adrian was taking his mid day nap. I finished the grilled cheese sandwiches tossing the can of tomatoe soup in trash, my pregnant ass is always hungry. Later on Trey and I are heading to the doctors to find out the gender of the baby today after lunch.

"Trey come eat." I say to him quietly while getting the lemonade from the fridge.

"Still sleepy?" He asked holding Adrian who just woke up from his nap.

"He shouldn't be now." I say taking a bite of his cheesy sandwich, kissing his cheek while Trey put him into his high chair. Mace started barking so I poured some water in his water dish, and gave him a cup of his Iams dog food.

"Eat eat mommy!" Adrian shouted feeding himself, but naturally he's making a big mess.

"Good boy." I cooed at him, making him smile full of cheesy bread and slobber.

I wobbled up washing my hands, placing my plate and bowl into the dishwasher. Trey finish d up his lunch, trying to clean up Adrian who'd just made a mess. I'd manage catch the elevator upstairs, put on a LovePink shirt and a pair of black leggings. Making sure my hair didn't look like a bird nest, I decided on putting it up into a ponytail. Instead of putting on all that makeup, I flashed on mascara and a little foundation. Trey made his way to our conjoined bathroom, washing his face and putting on his Nike tshirt.

"Did you get Adrian ready?" I asked getting my black socks and sneakers, so Trey could put them on for me. No since of trying I know I wouldn't manage. Trey shouted a yeah before removing himself from the bathroom.

"Shoes." I say wiggling my feet, Trey kissed my feet placing on my socks then shoes. I replied a thank you and kissed his lips carefully. Adrian was in his room playing with his toys all ready to go.

Trey picked him just as he helped me down the stairs, he grabbed his keys, and we got into his Range.

Tremaine Neverson

"Your unborn is very healthy at the stage, your making great progress each appointment, now you just need to be prepared. The baby could possibly come late or early. No worries she'll be ready." The pediatrician implied moving in the mobile chair.

"She?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, your having a baby girl."

"Can you believe Tremaine." Kera's  excitement was very evident, which only made her more happy.

"Yeah." I said before giving her lips a kiss.

After we left the doctors appointment twenty minutes later I decided to pick up the kids from school since it was around that time. I left the air conditioner running in the car because Kera didn't wanna get out due to her swollen feet. I strolled to the front desk, seeing a lady occupied of her desktop.

"They'll be down in five minutes please  wait patiently in the waiting area." She says recognize who I came for.

I didn't know how long is be waiting so I looked at my phone, going through my Instagram when I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh Hey Trey didn't know you'd be here."
Lauren said nonchalantly as if nothing happened between us.

"Hey." I didn't want to be rude or cause a scene so I just decided to say somethings  quick and keep it moving.

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