Lost Your Trust Pt. 2

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Kera Neverson

Tremaine never came home last night, so I'm guessing his ass got drunk and stayed at JayR's. The kids were at school what they call it jail while I watched Adrian as usual. Getting dress I made myself a cup of coffee, suddenly Trey walks in tiredly.

"Hey. You got drunk last night I bet." I say as he nodds.

He groans then goes upstairs to take care of himself. Laughing a bit I check on baby Adrian in the living room.

August Alsina

"Daddy!" Aniya says coming with Riya from school. I pick her up giving her tiny kisses.

"Your daddy's big girl na'." I said putting her down.

"Come on let's go change, so we can go to uncle Chris house." Seriya responds grabbing Aniya's hand.

Fifteen minutes later, they come back down going to the car. My girls looked so much alike it was unbelievable.


"Was good?" I dapp Chris stepping into his house. Khanari runs to Aniya and Brittany and Seriya talk.

"You talk ta' Trey?" I question.

"Nah why?"

"He ain't answer all day."

"I think he went out, and got drunk last night." Chris replied eating a Jolly Rancher.

"That nigga just had a baby. Damn."

"And that's why Kera been upset lately."

"Why?" Brittany chimes in.

"Trey always out and at the studio, and she must be stress."

"Something new everyday." Seriya says nonchalantly.

"You up for some 2K?" Chris quizzed knowing I will whoop his ass in that.

"Nigga you sorry as fuck."

"Nigga I a molly whap yo ass."

"Children, boys behave! And let's not play that." Brittany said in laughter, while Riya chuckled.

"You don't be sayin children when I get dat pus--" Chris yells as we crack up.

Brittany hits Chris in the back of his head while, Seriya rolls her eyes.

Tremaine Neverson

"Just got an email saying soccer cancelled Lay." Kera yells coming into the bedroom.

Layla comes in looking at Kera with her big brown eyes. This Lauren situation needs to be behind me.

Layla hugs Kera as Kera strokes her long hair.

"Daddy are you sick?" Layla quizzed making me smile.

"Yea, a little." I did feel a little bothered.

"Do you need a hug?"

"Of course." She climbs on me and gives me a kiss and hug.

"Hungry?" My wife asks me.

"A little." Layla runs off to her bedroom.

"I'll make you somethin to eat." She says kissing my lips heading downstairs.

I smiled and once she left, Lauren touching and kissing me roamed in my head. That crazy bitch needs to fuck off.

Kera then comes in with chicken noodle soup and a sandwich.

"Thank you." I respond leaning up.

"Your welcome baby." She kissed my earlobe as I smiled from ear to ear.

Short chapter😊 been having a lil writers block. Make sure to vote below or leave a thought about the book.

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