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A/N: This is just my actual thoughts and feelings about a certain guitarist. I started it a while ago. It's not great but it's real. Thoughts?

QOTC: I feel in love with you. Not for how you look, just for who you are. ~Unknown(got this from google)

This is dedicated to my friend Shelby. She loved this from the moment she saw it. 5soslovescake


He was beautiful. His smile could light up a room. He was everything that was good in the world. He had a personality that would change your life. The greatest thing that ever happened to me. He could make my heart race with just a smile. He didn't know what he did to me when he spoke like the angel he was. If he was a color he'd be a blazing sunrise. The bright yellow and orange of the morning sky. The pale pinks and the fluffy white clouds. His smile was a cool sunset. The purples, blues and subtle greys that resonate in my mind long after the sun has departed. His every word lulled me to sleep nightly. They were sweet poetry and the soothing sound of a lullaby. A whisper of a gentle breeze. The gift of new life and the blooming of a rare flower. He could never understand my feelings for him. They were stronger than any force in the world. He changed me, whether he knew it or not, he did. He was my friend but he was more. He was the man I could see my life with. He was the one person that could cheer me up when I was entirely destroyed. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it anymore. He means more to me than words can express. I doubt I could go my whole life and ever be able to tell him how I felt. Words cannot begin to describe him. He's angelic and wonderful. The beauty of a baby's laugh. The music that runs through my veins. He was the euphoric feeling of an adrenaline rush. He made everything better and brighter. The sun shone brighter and burned hotter with him around. His voice was sweet music to my ears. He made me believe in myself, even when it all became too much. He treated me right. Made me happy. He was the world to me but sadly, he knew nothing of me. In his eyes I was non-existent. I was nothing to him and he was everything to me. Oh the irony! If only he knew! I wished everyday that I could tell him. Alas, even if I tried my words would be lost in a sea of others. His words spoke volumes. Mine, nothing but a whisper into the darkest of nights. He'll never know how his existence affects me. I'll never know the feeling of his touch, the light of his smile - in person. I'll never know that slight shock the touch of his skin gave out. His seemingly soft hair would never be felt by my fingers. I'd never feel his soft breath on my neck, his fingers through my hair. I'd never hear his lovely accent speaking my name, calling me beautiful. I'd never hear the roughness of his voice first thing in the morning, his loving smile before I feel asleep. I'd never see the emotions change his magical green eyes. I'd never know the feeling of his calloused hands on my skin. I'd never get to compare our skin tones. I'd never see his reaction to my voice speaking his name. I'd never know the sound of him sweetly singing our child to sleep. I'd never know the satisfaction of serving him breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'll never know how his favorite shows affect him. I'd never feel his softness. I'd never know his hidden dancing. I'll never see his favorite places. To me he was "my world". To him I was "fan". He can claim he loves me, but does he really? Does he even know of my existence? Will I ever meet the man that clogs my every thought? What secret words would his lips say to me? Would there be any? What would he think if he ever saw me? Beautiful? Lame? Ugly? Smart? Would I ever get to show him my intelligence? Was I truly worthy? Did I even deserve his attention? Would he like my hair? My smile? My eyes? Has he seen my writing? Would he want to? Am I right about who I think he is? Or am I way off? Would he admire my morals? Or push them aside? I wish he knew. Would he stop my twisted mind from eating me alive? Would he appreciate my warped sense of humor? Or think me a fool? Am I truly a fool for following someone who has no idea who I even am? Could I ever lie next to him as he sleeps? Would I ever feel his arms around me? Would I make him smile? Frown? Would my words even mean anything to him? Or am I just a foolish sap for thinking he cares? Am I too smart for him? Would I just insult him? Or would he show off? Would he enjoy my random taste in music? Or find it wild and unsettling? What of my singing voice? I know I'm bad but would it bother him if I sang along in the car? What kind of driver is he? Good? Bad? Dangerous? Safe? Given the chance would he drive a motorcycle? What if I ask too many questions? I know that if he were to try pick-up lines on me they'd work. No matter how bad they were. He doesn't know how wonderful he is. I sometimes like to dream of what a life with him would be like. In my mind, he's sweet and loving. He loves all the things I call flaws. Tells me they make him love me more. He brings me things and promises to never leave. He does cute little things to make me smile. He plays video games with me; lets me win occasionally. But doesn't go easy on me often; per my request. He sings me to sleep nightly. He dances around the house with me to every song, whether he knows it or not. He wants only to see me smile. He talks about me like I'm the greatest thing he's ever found. And when I disagree he makes me look in the mirror and repeat after him. When I'm down, he does everything in his power to bring me back up. He takes me out and shows me off. He protects me and stands up to his fans for me. He writes me songs that he'll never release. He lets me dye his hair when he wants it. He styles my hair for me occasionally. He pulls me close when he sleeps. My pulse jumps when he says my name. His smile makes the blood in my veins pump faster. His songs can reduce me to tears. He brings out the best in me, believes in me. He's always encouraging me to do the things I can only dream of doing. And with him by my side I believe I can too. His perfection brings me to my knees. He makes me smile with every joyous word he speaks. His compliments make me blush the most. His songs touch my heart. Even the ones not written in my honor, make me feel as though the words speak only to me. His whispered words make me weak at the knees. But most of all he makes me feel safe. That's the most important thing. I know that my chances with him are slim to none. I can always hope and dream. However, that would never compare to the real thing. I love him more than words can say and I don't really know him. I've never even met him, yet he makes me feel this way. Who knows? Maybe I'll meet him, maybe I won't. Only time will tell. I'll try to be positive until then. It won't be easy but I'll try. I'll try for him. That's all I can really do. That and hope for the best. Hope and optimism are two things I try to have a lot of. So it shouldn't be too tough to hold onto. Until then, I'll just keep my hopes and dreams. And in times of doubt I'll turn to music. It's always there to cheer me up. Yeah, that's just what I'll do.

 A/N: This was 3 pages in my doc. It's 1371 words straight from my heart. Comments are welcome! Love you guys! 💕❤😍


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