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A/N: This is about a boy. A boy I'm stupidly in love with. I don't want to name names but it's not the same boy that I posted/wrote about in the first part of this. If you know him, you'll know. If not you can ask and I'll tell you. I'm afraid to put his name on it bc he could find it....And I kinda don't want him to so..... Anyway, enjoy my sappy lovesick thoughts and feelings. The song is just something that makes me think of him. And makes me all 🙈🙈🙈           (If you can't see emojis then here.          /).(\  /).(\  /).(\    )


~Samm ^~^

Golden hair shimmering in the warm sun. Dark shades of brown. The contrast between light and dark. His glowing, soft hair. Half fringe, half spiked. Soft, smooth skin. Skin, cream in color and texture. Soft, yet strong dark brow, a cute birthmark between. Striking emerald eyes. Soft, dark lashes protect the every changing green orbs. Pupils dark, showing flecks of gold stroked through the green pigments. Shimmering with mischief, joy and humor. Softly pointed nose. Strong cheekbones. Soft, blemish-free skin. Joyous smile pulled into an almost permanent smirk. Glimmering white teeth. Soft pinkish lips hide an adorably crooked row lower teeth. A soft, caring smile. A sight that makes my heart race. A softly, strong chin. A marble jaw, bouncing Adam's apple and sexy veins that pop with strain. Broad shoulders and smooth chest. Sexy abs and muscled arms. Sexy, Adonis hands, beautiful fingers and flexing muscles. Veins showing with each movement. Fingers flex more and wiggle as he sings. Runs make them move to the beat or in time with the notes. Hands I imagine to be soft or calloused. Smooth skin that probably smells amazing. Stylish patterned shirts and skinny jeans. Feet that are covered by one pair of the 600 plus pairs of shoes he owns. A voice that makes me weak at the knee. A grin that can make my heart race. The boy that makes me feel special. A flirt but a sweetheart. A dirty minded angel. A personality that makes me so happy I could fly. A voice that makes my heart soar and my soul sing. The boy that means the world to me. A heart of gold and a sharp mind. He makes my world brighter. A musical laugh and makes me smile. The voice I could listen to all day. The man that makes me smile when nothing else can. The guy that I can't seem to get off my mind. A sense of humor alike my own that never fails to make me smile and laugh too. A hyper Gemini who writes beautiful songs. An angelic voice. A dazzling smile. A pair of shimmering eyes. A fabulous personality that sparkles like no other. A glittering smile. The boy that I'm in love with, whether he knows it or not. He makes me feel loved but he doesn't know me. When he's in the room everything else fades into the background. He can brighten my day with just one look. The boy I'll never know. The one I wish I did. The beauty of him. The one I could go on for days about. The talented darling who stole my heart. The one that I love more than words can say. The boy I can write pages about. The man who makes me feel all the clichés. He who gives me butterflies. The boy I look at with heart eyes. The guy that puts a cheesy, lovesick smile on my face. The man I want a cheesy, romantic relationship with. The boy that makes me beyond happy. The actual sun on the darkest days. The one that I think of when listening to love songs. The reason I can't seem to stop listening to love songs. The reason I can't stop smiling. The reason for the smile. The sun, the moon, the stars, the brightest galaxies. The one I want to watch the stars with. The one I want to stay up all night just talking to. The one I'd sing to despite my wretched voice. The boy I can't describe with all the words in the world. The boy who has my heart, that I don't want back. The boy that is pure perfection. The boy that loves One Direction. The boy that understands me without even knowing me. The one I can't imagine my life without now. He makes me feel like I'm over the moon. He makes me feel like I'm floating. He makes me feel like I'm worth something. He gives me a little confidence. He sets my heart on fire with just one smile. His beautiful green eyes make me melt. His personality is the glow that lights my way. He makes me happier than anything else can. He makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. He shines brighter than any star. There are times when he makes me feel beautiful. When I see him with someone else, it hurts me. If he's sad then so am I. he never seems sad so because of that I'm never sad. The only time I'm ever sad is when I see him with someone else. It doesn't happen often. He makes me so ridiculously, stupidly happy. He's an angel that plagues my dreams, infecting everything in it's path. His existence makes the sky seem bluer, the bird songs are prettier, the grass is greener, the breeze is more refreshing, songs on the radio sound better. He makes me feel like I can be truly me. He makes love feel possible for me. He makes anything seem possible. He makes everyday feel like the best day. He makes the sun look like a faded star. He puts the most beautiful sights to shame. He's the one I want to wake up next to every morning. I smile at just the thought of him and I'm left grinning at nothing. I can't look at him and not smile. He could wear anything and look like a model. He makes me smile at the wall for hours just by thinking about him. He makes me "asdfghjkl" with just a smile. He makes me blush with his posts. His words make me feel alive. He makes me feel like no one else can. I've never felt this way about anyone but him. He makes me feel things I can't explain. I'm so hung up on him. I don't think I can ever find normal again. He makes my heart feel things I've never felt. I want to be his. I want him to show my off to his friends. I want to be the girl everyone is jealous of. I want to be the girl the fans ship with him. I want to be "goals" with him. I want to be the next Michelle. I want him to kiss me if I pout. I want to watch movies and cuddle with him. I want to walk the streets holding his hand. I want fans to ask for photos with both of us. I want him to talk about me at shows and meet & greets. I want fans to ask him how I am. I want to be with him plain and simple. I want him to write songs about me. I want him to sing songs to me. I want him to dedicate songs to me. I want him to sing songs for me. I just want him to love me.

A/N:  This was handwritten and I don't think it's done but if I add more, I'll edit this. But I hope you enjoyed it.

~Samm ^~^

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