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A/N: This is about my best friends. Mostly about my Shelby. I was really missing her and I just wrote what I felt. It's sad and I'm sorry. But it's about her. I'm only posting it on her request. It's short but it's something. For the record, things have changed since I wrote this.

~Samm ^~^

I miss her. I hate that I can't talk to her. Can't see her. It breaks my heart. I just want her back. I wish this had never happened. I hate to be without her. Whenever I see Blake, I miss her. Hearing our song makes me cry. I miss her face, her voice, her smile, our chats. She's my sister. I can never forget her. She's too important to me. This is worse than Linzy. Because I know she'll come back. I just don't know when. I really hope it's soon. It's been a month without her an it hurts every day. I cried when I saw that her messages were gone. I hate this feeling. I really want her back. I don' know how much longer I can live without her. I really don't. I really want her back. Please bring her back. Please. I love her unbelievably much. I'll never leave her. If she doesn't want me to leave, I won't. She's too important to leave. Who would leave their sister? I wish her mom was more understanding. I wish she was here. Were she here, hugs would be given. Were she here I'd see her all the time. I wouldn't need to worry about her. I wouldn't have to miss her. I wouldn't have this feeling that I hate. I wouldn't feel alone even with Kate. I miss her so much. I just want her back so bad. I'd do anything to have her back. I'd do anything to have them both here with me. I love them to the moon and back. I really wish they were both here. I can't wait for the day that they are . I miss them as it is. But I miss her most. I want her back. I wish this move was me in with them somewhere. I hate being without them. I want them to be happy. If that means being without them then so be it. I hate leaving them. I hate to be without them. I really do.

A/N: It's sad, I know. I feel like that's all I write. Omh. Sorry.

~Samm ^~^

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