Keep Your Fight

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A/N: I just felt this needed to be said so here.


  Whatever bad, negative, horrible thing you're thinking right now, it's not true. You are beautiful and wonderful and perfect as you are. And if you think an early death is gonna help make these things that you're thinking go away, it's not. You're just passing it on to someone else. Someone else will feel that pain. Someone else will think those thoughts. I know that prospect probably doesn't help. But it's true. You have made an impact on someone somewhere. No matter how old you are now, you have touched someone's life already. You have changed someone's life. If you think no one will miss you, you're wrong. You're parents, siblings, friends will all miss you. Your pets will miss you. They'll wonder where you've gone and be waiting for you to come home. The Universe has a plan for you. You wouldn't be put through these trials and tribulations if you couldn't handle it. You are strong enough. You are good enough. You are important. You do make a difference. You are perfect as you are. You don't have to change. It's cliche and over said but it will get better. It will get easier. You just have to give it time. Everything will work out the way it's meant to. Someone people are brought in your life to stay and some are just there for awhile. Not everything can last forever. You may feel out of place but honestly, you fit exactly where you're supposed to. You may feel different, but why do you want to be a carbon copy of the last person? You're not a gingerbread man. You're not a cookie cutter. You can't be the same as the last guy. "Perfection" is overrated. Everyone wants to get there but no one ever, ever will. Perfection is a misguided dream that fiction tells us is reachable. It's not. It never will be. Give up that dream, please! I won't reach it, you won't reach it, no one will. Just keep that dream for your subconscious. You wanna know what "perfect" is? You. As you are. The best place for you to be is here. I know the world seems like a scary and horrible place but it's not. The place you belong is here. Not in the dirt. Life sucks. Yeah, that's true. But you have to find the sun. Maybe you just weren't looking in the right places. This place isn't that bad. You have to surround yourself with the right people and find the place where you feel you belong. You have to hold on to the light, cling to it. It'll guide you through the dark.

Everyone has dark times. You just have to push through, fight, to get to the sunlight again. Happiness isn't a destination, it's a journey. So jump on the train and strap in for the ride. Happy will come in time. You just have to give it time. If you give up now you'll never get there. And if you've put on so many fake smiles you don't know what a real one is anymore, then you have to reteach yourself how to smile. I a fake smile isn't gonna go far around the right people. Some will be able to see past that facade. Think of something that truly made you smile once upon a time. If it was a movie, watch it. A book? Read it. A game? Play it. A dance? Dance it out then. If it was a person, and they're not here anymore, don't get sad about it. Be happy you had the time with them that you did. Hold those memories close. Knit yourself a nice sweater out of all the memories and put it on when you feel down. Yeah, it's okay to miss them. And it's okay to cry. But don't spend all your time missing them and crying. You'll never see the world if you don't. Don't sit around and wallow in that sadness. The wouldn't want that. They'd want to see you happy and remembering the good times, crying happy tears. Not sad ones remembering the loss of them. Yes, it is 100% okay to cry because you miss them. But not all the time! The darkness will pass if you hold on to the fact that the sun will come out after. This is just a storm. There'll be a lot in your life. But no storm can last forever. It's scientifically impossible. Just remember that. Hold onto that. Give it everything you've got. Fight so hard that you don't have time to be sad. Fight every day. Take it one step at a time. Take it one day at a time. One second at a time. Take it, however slow you need to, baby steps. You have to crawl before you can walk. And walk before you can run. The first steps are always the hardest. But once they're behind you, it gets so much easier. Please don't lose your fight. Please don't give up hope. Please don't give in to the darkness. Please just hold on. You can make it through. I know you can! I'll be by your side fighting if you need me too. I love you! 

A/N: Keep fighting, please. Just keep it up. I'll be fighting too.



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