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A/N: So I was pretending to be aesthetic and posting well, aesthetic photos. And suddenly, I was coming up with like two line poems that were really bad but I thought I'd share them here bc why not? They are things that I've written, yes? That's what this is all about so here. There's one that's not really a poem but it's kinda poetic. It doesn't rhyme or anything but the words are pretty. They worked well with the photos I posted. I'm not posting the photos with it bc there's far too many and Wattpad has this rule about not having more than 20 images per part so... I'll post one of the aesthetic pictures in the media at the top but other than that, there won't be anymore. Please ignore the grammar of this one bc they aren't formatted with caps in the right places.  I did that for a reason. Anyway, onto the poetic words!


Not a poem but pretty words:
words are dark, words are light 

Not a poem:
gridded in the dark

Not a poem but I like these words:
hazy dreams draw crystalline realities

Actually a poem:
in the sky so high
where my heart will fly

Not a poem but these are those really pretty words that I liked. I let my brother read these words and the said they seemed like they were from something but they were just in my head so...
places pass in a blur. rain reflects off the pavement. the setting sun. the city bustles on by. faces flash like a camera's shutter. early morning commute. late night runaway. rushed words in hushed voices. the city gives way to the large expanse of the country. "this old world's really not that bad a place".

Not a poem but I really like these words and the way they flow together:
you light a spark in me that sets the world on fire. it burns hotter than a volcano and brighter than the sun.

Not a poem. Also, not as dark as it sounds. I just really like space:
set me free. let me fly closer to the stars, closer to my final home.

Not a poem but I like these words. They went with water pictures:
wash me of the past, refresh me for the future

Not a poem but I like these words. They were with pictures of flowers. I had to make a garden metaphor:
there's flowers blooming in my heart bc of the light your shining on my soul and the rain you're dropping on my face.

Actually a poem. And I like this one for some reason? It's bad but I like it:
light me up, set me on fire
being with you is my only desire

Actually a poem. This one was with pictures of the weather and different seasons:
the seasons are changing before my eyes
changing the colors of these skies

Actually a poem. This was with coffee, cocoa, and tea pictures. Warm drinks for the cold weather:
coffee for you, cocoa for me
maybe we'll meet in the middle for tea 

Actually a poem. These words were with like gifs of tv static and an almost 
static fades to black
there's no code to crack 

Actually a poem. It's really lame, it went with a picture of bubbles:

bubbly heart
with a killer start

Actually a poem. Probably the longest one I've written today but I kinda like it. It's got a three line rhyme scheme except for the last line. It doesn't rhyme with anything, but that's okay bc that's how I wanted to end it:
'home is where the heart is', they say

my heart isn't here these days

it's thousands of miles away

it's in his hand

that boy in the band

the one who's close to the sand

i hope i get to meet

the man with the soul so sweet

like a halloween treat

i guess one can only hope 

Actually a poem, but it's really lame:
show me the sunbaby, maybe it'll be fun
i promise i won't run
at least not 'til we're done
will you protect me from his gun?
i'd do that for you, hun  

Actually a poem. It's really crap but okay:
here are some daisies
i hope they change the 'no's to 'maybe's

Not a poem but I kinda like it:
late at night, that's when the darkness creeps into my mind. that's when it starts to take over. when i start to lose control

A/N: So I labeled which ones were poems and which weren't. Not that I really needed to bc no one reads these but okay, whatever. Also, I'm sorry that I haven't really posted the journal that I'd been leading up to that whole week or any journal after that but I just, it's a lot to write and I have a lot of pictures... It just seems like a lot of work. I might post it sometime this week... That depends on if I feel up to it really. If I do it'll probably be half-assed and I won't put the pictures bc of the 20 image limit... (ugh) But I'll give a synopsis of what happened. Hemmingsway, I might write for DYWM or pretend to be aesthetic again or maybe just read... Idk yet. (I'll probably read tbrh...) Love you, kiddies! (if you find that offensive, please tell me...)


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