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A/N: This is a new thing. It's actually kinda happy. I know, shocker. K, asked me to try to write something happy and this was the result. Hope you enjoy. The video is something that makes me happy!

~Samm =^~^=

He's pretty. He's smart. He's tall. He's sweet. he's funny. He cares. His personality is cute. His smile is angelic. His eyes twinkle. He's an angel on earth. He's not perfect. He's all I want. He makes me feel cheesy. I feel all the clichés when I'm around him. He makes me happy. Makes me smile. I make endless edits of him with cute and cheesy words attached. I'm in love with him. I dream of him. I wish for him. I hope for a chance with him. I smile because of him. I want to meet the man that means so much to me. I want to tell him what he means to me. I'm scared though. Afraid he won't take it the right way. Afraid he won't feel the same. Afraid he won't want the heart he holds in his hands. Afraid he won't like me. Afraid I won't light a spark in his eyes. Afraid I won't mean anything to him. Afraid he won't notice me. That he'll just skip over me. That I won't have his attention. That he won't glance at me. That I won't get to tell him what he means to me. That someone else has his heart. That he won't love me. That I won't mean anything to him. That I'll say something stupid. That I'll screw up everything. I'm afraid of a lot when it comes to him. Fears that I'm sure I'll never get over. But there's things I'm not afraid of with him. I'm not afraid of the way he makes me feel. He makes me feel like the princess I always wanted to be. He make me feel like life is worth living. He makes me feel like I have a reason to get up everyday. He makes me feel like I'm his, even though I'm not. He makes me feel special. He makes me feel like I don't have to hide behind the mask I've worn since I lost Linzy. He makes all of my crisis seem like grains of sand. They aren't rough, rocky mountains with him around. They're more like smooth grains of rice. And the bigger things are just smooth pebbles. The weight of the world is lighter than a feather. It feels like almost nothing when it lands on my shoulder. The crumbling ground under my feet is suddenly sturdy with him around. The troubles of centuries instantly vanish. The toughest chores are finished like magic. The storm clouds blow away. My blurry vision is crystal clear. My weaknesses are stronger. My strengths are unbreakable iron. He pushes the darkness away and ushers in the light. My disbeliefs become possibilities. He makes everything better for me. Makes them easier for me. The end of the world was just a minor setback. The big bang is just a harmless "pop-it" firework. The strongest cements falls apart around him. He's m rock. My big strong guy. My protector. My guardian angel. My bright, glowing guide, leading me through the dark. But I feel like a ragdoll because my demon is pulling me into the dark depths. I hope he can save me. I hope he's strong enough. The man touched by Him and sculpted by the angels. He holds my hand, tugging me toward the light. But he's not alone. By his side are two girls, two boys and four very strong men. The girls call themselves, Shelby and Kate. The boys go by Mike and Blake. The men are named Alex, Jack, Tyler and Josh. There are a couple of sweet nerds cheering the saviors on. Matt, Keaton, Dan and Phil are their names. They're the best cheerleaders I've ever seen. These people save my life everyday. And they don't even know it. One day I hope to thank them with a big hug. They make me believe in myself when I'm doubting my capability; my reality. They counteract the hateful words Demon throws at me. They make me better. They give me strength. They give me the confidence I've never had. They make me feel beautiful, actually, genuinely beautiful in my own skin. They make me a better me. The make me truly me. The take my mask down. I don't need it around them. They bring me real, true joy. If only I could tell them, thank them. They crush the words Demon tell me. They make me feel powerful, like Barry. They make anything seem possible, even the impossible. They make me feel like I'm not alone. Like someone gets it. Like there's someone there. All the time. They make me feel like the end of this dark, black tunnel is closer than it appears. They make this long, lonely louder and shorter. This rag tag group of people make everything better, easier, brighter. So long as I have them by my side, surrounding me (safely), Demon will never win. They protect me from him. They hide me from him. They counteract him. Everything he says gets cancelled out by my protectors, my angels, my guardians, my saviors. 

A/N: Well hope you liked that. Idk if there'll be more like it but maybe. Who really knows?

~Samm =^~^=

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