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A/N: This one's a lot different than the last one I posted. So here we go.

Today's been so crazy. I've gone from writing sad poetry to crying and shaking. And not in the sense that you think. I was and still am crazy happy. Like I can't even comprehend what happened. Today has gone from being a horrible, horrible day to probably one of the best days of my life. January 27th. A day that I'll remember forever. I haven't stopped smiling since it happened. I suppose you want to know what happened. Only the most glorious thing that could ever happen.

There's this band I love. I think you can tell just a little bit. The band is called After Romeo. This band consists of Jaykob Andre Purdy, Thomas Howard Lee Carter, Christopher Blake English, and Andrew Ryan Scott. They're better known as Jayk, TC, Blake, and Drew. They're amazing. Total nerds. Completely dirty minded. Just all around great guys. I love them all. But I have to admit that Drew and Blake are my favorites.

Which brings us to yesterday. Jayk and Blake did an Instagram live. They were giving shout outs and following people. Jayk said I was funny because I kept unfollowing and then refollowing.  That made my day. He also liked 3 of my posts. They promised to follow all of us once the live was over. But I wasn't one of them. I felt skipped. And alone. I felt invisible like I did in high school. I kept holding onto the hope that I'd wake up and they'd be following me. But that never happened. Anyway here are the posts Jayk liked yesterday.

 Anyway here are the posts Jayk liked yesterday

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And now we've come to today. I was feeling sad and left out because of yesterday. I wasn't feeling great about myself. So they tweeted that they'd do another live today. I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it after yesterday. Ultimately, it was the best decision I made. So I watched it. And it was wonderful, as always. It was all of them. Yay! So they were giving shout outs just like yesterday. So I did the unfollow/refollow thing. And out of Nowhere, Drew says "*my Insta handle* I just followed you." So right away, I'm shaking. Naturally, I had to check on my laptop. And sure enough he had. And then came the tears.

Fast forward an hour and they were ending the live. Jayk had Blake's phone and was going through tossing out shout outs. And then he asks Blake if he can follow people from his account. Blake was fine with it. So Jayk just went through Blake's recent follows and followed everyone he saw. I naturally wanted to check to see if I was lucky enough. And to my total surprise, I was. And again with the shaking  and crying.

When the live ends I find out that Drew had liked like 2 or 3 of my posts. And back with the tears. Flashforward a few hours. I randomly posted what I was listening to on Spotify. It was a Hey Violet song. And I captioned it with lyrics from the song. And surprise, surprise who likes it? Drew. Like thanks for making me cry three times in one day! And here's the pictures he liked. Also the follows from Blake and Drew.

 Also the follows from Blake and Drew

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And here's the Hey Violet post.

And here's the Hey Violet post

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So that was my day. Probably one of the best I've had in a long time. For sure the best this week. I felt like I deserved today. It was great. I posted this long thing on Insta with this picture

 I posted this long thing on Insta with this picture

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I love these nerds. I cannot express it. It's like the past 2 or 3 years have been pushing me toward this band. First a VFC song gets played in my Humanities class. Then Gabe follows me on Twitter, before I knew who he was. Then my best friend introduces me to AR's music. Then Irl best friend tells me that she met them. Then Blake notices me like 5 times on twitter. (Thanks for that btw) And now today. Probably one of the best days of my life. Thank you. For everything you do and everything you are. Words cannot express how I feel about this band. You're nerds and I love you. I hope one day I get to tell you that in person. Now I don't know what to do with my life/time. I always have withdrawals after lives. Thank you.

So overall, it was a bad day turned amazing. I went from moping about to being the happiest bean I can me. I'll never get over it. This something that's been so great. I thought I'd share something good rather than all the bad I've been posting. I hope it keeps getting better. I'm not joking when I say I feel a pull toward this band. It's like it's meant to be. Like it's destiny. "Destiny is when you find something you were never looking for and realize you never wanted anything else.

A/N: So that was my day. Eeep!

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