Birthday Babe

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A/N: I know Mike's birthday has long since passed by the time I'm posting this but I meant to post this earlier. I just got busy and distracted from posting it so here it goes I suppose.


November 20, 2017

Michael Gordon Clifford, 22

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Michael Gordon Clifford, 22

Michael Gordon Clifford, 22

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November 20, 1995

     What can I say, babe? You've always had my heart. You're part of my reason for being. I don't know who I'd be without you, my love. 💕😘  I love you, with all my soul. You have a part of me whether you know it or not, whether you want it or not. You weren't my first obsession and you aren't my last but, you made me believe in myself when I didn't know how. You're a pivotal part of who I am. And I'll be forever grateful for that, darling.💕

    I can't explain the way you make me feel but, I know that I feel it and that it'll never go away. You being with her hurts me but, if you're happy... That's all I could ever want you to be is happy. I love you too much to be so selfish as to want you happy with me alone. I want to see that bright, sunny smile on your face. Even if you are looking at her... I love you more than my dislike of her. I'll respect it but, I won't like it. I just want your happiness. But I'll be honest, seeing you with her has driven me away a bit. Into the "arms", the love of another. I know you didn't mean for that to happen, neither did I if I'm being honest. But you can't help who you fall in love with. I can honestly, truthfully, and proudly say that you were my first love. I know I've never met you and I've never met him but, I know that loving you wouldn't matter if we'd met or not. Love works in mysterious ways...

    You make me feel like I've never felt before. And baby, you always hold a special place in my heart, my soul. You are a part of me, a part of my story. I wouldn't be me if I didn't love you. You are incredible and how could I not love someone as glorious as you? You are an angel that walks the earth for all to see. Sure, you have your flaws, we all do. Because perfection isn't attainable. But honey, you are as close to perfection as it comes. I don't know how you do it. And even after all this time and my heart in his hands, I'm still in love with you. How does that work? How did you do that? Push me away but, never farther than arm's length? I'd still do anything for you. I'd still take a bullet to save you. I'd still die if it would make you happy. I still love you. With all my heart and all my soul. How is this possible when I love him too?💋

    You give me a sense of security in who I am. You protect me from myself. You make me believe in real love. You taught me what love was, what it felt like. You taught me how to be a person. You showed me what to look for. You showed me who I could be. You proved that not everything is bad. You brought me into the light. And you don't even know it. You don't know that when I'm sad, all I have to do is look at you and everything's okay again. How do you do that? How do you make someone fall so hard for you without even trying? How are you!💓

    You're so strong, baby! You've been through so much and still help others out. You helped me. You changed my life, in one moment. One silly, little video and you stole my heart. How is that possible? How is it possible that someone so amazing can make so many people fall in love with you so fast, so easy? Baby, I love you. And there aren't words enough in any language to express that to you. I love you, I love you, I love you! I just wish you knew, darlin'.

    Baby boy, I'm a different girl than I was before you. And I don't know how but, I am. My gosh, I wouldn't know who I am without you. I'm not that lonely 14/15 year old I used to be. I'm almost 21 now. And babe, you may be older but I'm catching up. 11 months and 13 days is nothing really. I can't believe you're 22 now! Should I blast Taylor Swift?😂

    Love, I don't know what more to say. But here's to 22 years and many, many more. Here's to about 5 or 6 years of loving you and I'm sure tons more. Baby boy, you've grown sooo much and I'm so glad I have you. I can't explain it but, I feel like you were meant to come into my life somehow. Life happens in werid ways. I'll never forget all that you've done for me. I love you, babe. 😘

    So happy birthday, cutness. Enjoy your 22nd year, your 22nd time around the sun. And I'll be right here waiting next year when you're 23. I'll always be here, darlin', right here for you. I love you, bubba. And the happiest of birthdays to my first love and the boy that changed my life for the better. Mwah! Kisses for you and the boys. Take your time and stay you, always. And I hope she realizes the gem she has because I would be overjoyed to take her place. Love you to the moon, baby. 😘💕😍💞💘

A/N: Well I hope that was good. It was kind of cheesy to me.. But I digress. I just wanted to post something special for my Monkey's birthday. Yeah, I'm gonna start calling him that I think. Kinda cute. Hemmingsway, I hope my baby enjoyed his birthday and I hope he's happy. All the love.💕


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