My life would suck without you

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Emily's POV

I woke up and slammed my alarm clock off. I hopped in the shower letting the warm water wake me up. I hopped out after standing there for a few minutes. I changed into some clothes it's monday and i'm very tired so i pull on a pair of sweat pants and a pink v neck I put on some pink socks and slid my feet it to my sporty sandals. WOW don't I look beautiful. HAHA. NO. I grab my backpack and my phone off of my charger and headed down stairs. I turn my phone on and went to my messages.

I clicked on Niall's contact like I do every morning to tell him good morning but memories from last night flash into my mind. My dad yelling, Niall sitting on the edge of my bed, and Niall saying don't bother to text me because i won't text back. Something like that. Did he really mean that should still text him even though he said that. What would I even say. I guess i'll just give Niall some space maybe he will talk to me at school. Speaking of school I should probably get going now. I grab my keys and head out the door making sure I lock it.

I got into my car and begin my short drive to school. Louis doesn't have to drive Liam and I anymore because we have our own cars now. I'm pretty sure he is really happy now because he doesn't have to wake up so early each morning to drive over here and then to school. Louis and Eleanor our mainly in a different building since there a little older than Niall and I.

I turn on the radio and listen to some Hunter Hayes right when the song was almost over I pulled into the school parking lot. I parked in my usual parking spot forgetting that Niall parks his car in the spot next to mine. Oh Well.

I got out of my car and grabbed my backpack from the back seat. I locked my car and headed for the school doors. When I was inside I headed to my locker while trying to text Liam like every morning I text him telling him i'm here and then we meet by our lockers and hang out before we have to go to first hour.

Niall's POV

I woke up very tired this morning. I had a really hard time falling alseep still wondering if I actually said that to Emily. I'm glad my parents didn't catch me and find out that I passed my curffue. Oh well it felt good to be a little bit of a rebal. I got out of bed and turn on the shower letting it warm up a bit before I hopped in.

After I took my shower I put on some sweat pants an old clinic football shirt and some jordans. I dried my hair with my towel and then ran some jel in it spiking it up at bit in the front. I added a snap back even though i'm going to have to take it off once i'm inside the school because of the stupid rule. NO HATS IN SCHOOL AND HOODS DOWN.

I headed down the hall into the kitchen with my backpack on my back and my phone in one hand. I set my backpack down and opened the fridge I poured a bowl of cereal and added some milk. I sat at the counter and ate my cereal while checking my phone starting with my text messages I always have at least one from from Emily. I looked at my phone and I didn't have any new messages well I guess that's what I get for telling her not to. She's being crazy though she can't even tell her own boyfriend about her past why doesn't she trust me????

I put my now empty bowl into the sink and headed out the door while i grabbed my keys. I got in the car and headed to school. I parked where I always do seeing Emily's car already there like everyday at least something stayed the same. I got out and locked my car.

I walked in to the building and headed to my locker. She is probably at her locker right now talking to Liam. I hope she knows that she is still my girlfriend I just need some space for a little bit. I grabbed my stuff and headed for my class a little earlier then I normally do except for the first day of school but everyone does that so they have enough time to find were they will be going everyday. I headed up the stairs and walked down the hall.

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