See ya later

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Chapter 67

Emily's POV

Niall was allowed to come and visited me before he and the other boys went off to the judges house. I was happy for that because I will be leaving for America for real today.

I have everything packed as I looked at my room that Eleanor had worked so hard to make everything look beautiful. Is gone and packed any in to boxes that are waiting to be put into a car.

I sat on my bed that was just a mattress and took it all in. That this is it I am leaving. I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard a knock on my balcony doors.

I got up and opened it to see my best friend sitting there like he has done many nights before.

"Hey Em" he said

"Liam I haven't seen you in so long" I said and gave him and hug.

"Well we all missed you and couldn't let you leave with out giving you a proper goodbye" he said

"Wait what do you mean by we?" I asked

And then I stepped outside and saw that the rest off the boys were standing on the stairs going down.

"Harry!" I said him being the first I saw and gave him a big hug.

"Zayn! I missed you" I gave him and hug

"Louis!" I said Louis has always been like a brother to me he was the first person I meet because of El.

"I missed my bro" I told him and gave him a hug and finished it off with our hand shake.

Then standing on the sand was the man I missed the most the one that has changed my life for the better and made me feel important again.

I didn't even have to say a word. I was already being pulled close to him by his strong arms. He placed a kiss on lips and I stayed there for awhile. Which made me smile then I felt him smile too.

"I missed you" he said

"I missed you too" I told him.

"You know I'm leaving today" I said looking down

"I know" he said

"But remember that promise I made too you we will be together again" he said

I looked down at the ring he gave me I wore every single day since he has given it to me.

"Emily! it's time to go" I heard my dad call me

"I'm coming" I said

"Will you come with" I asked Niall

"Of course" he said and held my hand as we walked to go put ten boxes in the car.

When we arrived at the airport the boys Came in with us.

We sat for awhile just talking but the time got closer and closer for me to go.

"Well you should probably head off now" my dad said

"I love you and be good call when you land and skype when ever." he added

"I will dad" I said and I gave him a hug.

I said my goodbyes to my step mom and Eleanor as well as the boys.

I grabbed my carry on and started walking I turned around and waved a goodbye to everyone. then I started walking again.

I stopped when I felt someone grab my hand. I turned around and saw Niall standing there.

"Emily wait" he said

"I love you please don't ever forget that" he said

"I love you too Nialler" I said

"You did it your going to be famous Niall just please don't let it Change you and don't ever forget me." I said

"I will never forget the girl who made me remember why I love singing. Every song I sing I sing for you." he said

He gave me a kiss and it definitely was the best one yet because we both truly meant that we loved each other and would alway be in each others heart.

As I sat on that plane I thought to myself that no matter what happens no matter what we go through he will always be my prince and I will alway be his princess.

The End.

Author's Note: Thank you guys so much for reading this book I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I might do a sequel to this book if you guys would really like one.

It would be about Niall is famous because of one Direction and he is in American for part of the tour and see Emily but there might be another guy or gal 😉 trying to tear them Apart.

His Princess - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now