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Niall's POV

It's Saturday after noon and my parents are making me go over some more colleges with them. We have already been on a ton of Uni tours but none of them really stood out to me. I don't know what I even want to to go to Uni for......

do I want to be a firefighter, a cop, a teacher haha no definitely not going to be a teacher I hate school so why would I teach it. My parents want me to go to college and graduate with honors and then get a good job. They want me to make something of myself.

They tell me that they are already proud of me but want me to be really successful when I go off and become an adult. I'm not really looking forward for them to send me off to college.

I know from watching when my brother Greg went off to college there was a lot of crying and since i'm the baby of the family there's probably going to be more crying. I'm going to miss them but I hate having to see my mum cry.

Dad, Mum, and I are seating at a table going over some colleges but the truth is that i don't want to go to college. I know that if i tell my parents that they will freak out but i have a whole plan on what i will do after high school. i just hope that they will listen ti me and not yell at my because not going to college is a crazy idea.

"So Niall want colleges would you like to revisit?" my mum asked me. I guess Its now or never to tell her that I don't want to go to college and just hope for the best. It's not really likely for my mum to just start yelling at me but i'm still worried that they might not let me explain why.

"Actually mum, dad there is something that I would like to talk to you guys about"

"and what's that sweetie" my mum said in a very innocent heart. I know how much she wants me to go to college and I just don't want to brake her heart.

"well before I say this I want to tell you that I have a plain and for you to just not freak out and listen to me before you say something" I said hoping that makes sense.

Good ahead Niall where listening" my dad said

"I don't want to go to college" i said i saw my mums face soften a little in a sad way

"I want to addition for the X-factor" I said

'Niall that's great and you have an amazing voice but so many people with amazing voices don't win and then what are you going to do" My mum said she is taking this better than i thought she would.

"how about I make a deal with you guys" I said hoping they would go with this idea even thought it sounds a little crazy and unrealistic.

"and what would that deal be" my dad said

"I go and addition and if I make it in then I don't go to college this year but if i don't than I will go to college" I said hoping that sounds reasonable

"how about if you make it to the judges house than you don't have to go to college" My mum said

"deal thank you so much guys I won't let you down" I said standing up to give both of them a hug

"Niall you will never let us down we are already as proud of you as we can be" my dad said.

Emily's POV

Today my parents wanted to sit down with me and talk about college and what i'm going to do in the future.

"I know that this is your first year here in England but i think it still would be best if you went to college and start an education it will make it easier for you to get a job and make a living here. my step mom said

"now you know that scholarship you got for the college back in America. They sent us an Email saying that they are accepting fifteen students to come early for a orientation and move in day is a week after that. Emily only 15 students get this opportunity to go early and talk to their professors only the best of the best get to and you where chosen." my dad said to me

"i got picked that's amazing this is the school of my dreams."

"we know" they both said

"when is it" i asked

"that's the problem Emily it's the same night as your senior prom"

"WHAT!!!!!! Niall just asked me"

"Niall wow I really should apologize to him for what happened that one night" my dad said

"dad what am I going to do" I said great I'm going to have to tell Niall this but how????? I'm not ready for this year to go by i wish we had more time to solve this. What's going to happen after graduation. is Niall going to college if he does is the college he going to in England or is he going back to Ireland and i'm going to be in America. I don't know what to do.

Author's Note: WOW guys thank you so much for all the votes it means so much. PLease continue to VOTE COMMENT and READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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