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"hey Emily you got something in the mail it's from the u" my dad called out as I sat on the couch eating my breakfast which consists on scrambled eggs, bacon strips, and toast. yum. I set down my plate and grabbed the letter from my dad. Ever since I was back in America it's always been my dream to go to Miami's school of performancing arts Since I moved out to England I decided I wasnt going to apply. So it's pretty strange that I got a letter from them in the mail. I opened the letter and pulled out a golden paper it read



My mouth literally dropped open in shock. How am I accpected in when I haven't even auditioned. I'm so confused but absolutely happy I have to tell Liam about this. I didn't even bother to text him to see if he was home I ran out the back door and across to Liam's house I knocked on the door and his mom opened it she let me in as she called Liam down. When Liam saw it was me we walked outside I told him about everything about how I've always dreamed about going there and graduating to become this big famous singer. I couldn't help but notice that Liam's face went to happy for me but then sad and lost his eyes became dark when I told him that it was in Florida back in America. I even told him how it was my mom's dream to go there but she never had the chance.

"Well what does Niall think about all of this, he is your boyfriend


"you haven't told him yet" there was a shocked tone to his voice

"No, I don't even know if I'm going to go for sure"

"come on Em, you and I both know this has been your dream since you were little. you can't just not go."

"I don't know Liam school's not over yet"


"Hey Eleanor what would you do if you got accepted to a school that was far away from the ones you love and you know it would break there hearts if you left."

"You know Emily sometimes in life you just have to go with your gut if you know it's the right thing then do it before it's to late"

I kept thinking long and hard about what El had said is it the right thing to tell Niall that after high school I might move to America for college and be there for four years and we would barely see each other.

Hey Niall I got a letter from the mail regarding college

Niall I might be moving back to America

I got accepted into a really good school but it's far away

I keep running different sentences through my mind of ways I could tell Niall without breaking his heart but each way had the same ending a goodbye.

Later that day I couldnt stop thinking about how I got accepted they don't just let anyone in including people who haven't even applied or auditioned. Something is going on but what??? Maybe it was my dad or El or maybe even my step mom that filled out the application but either way they still need to see you perform and I'm pretty sure I can't sing while I'm a sleep.


So the next day I decided I would call the college and ask them what's going on. The phone picked up after about three rings.

"Hello Miami's school of performaning arts this is Olivia speaking how may I help you?" I hated how kind they have to be over the phone. It sounds so fake.

"Hi i'm just wondering why I got an acceptance letter from you guys when I haven't even auditioned yet."

"Well I'm not quite sure but if you give me your name I would be happy to look and see what I can find."

"that would be great my name is Emily Mota." I heard sounds of someone clicking a key board and a few clicks of a mouse before that overly cheer full voice came back on the phone.

"ah yes, Ms. Emily Mota it says here that an acceptance has been sent a few days ago"

"correct I received it the other day" I replied I heard the mouse click a few more times before hearing

"You did audition it says here that we sent over one of our professors over to England and they saw you perform with someone at a small club on Friday. It also say that the audition was amazing an easy yes."

"Thank you that is all I need"

"you are very welcome" I hung up the phone and laid down on my bed. trying to figure out the same question who sent the professor?

A/N: Hey guys Wow I'm at 100+ reads thank you guys please vote And nobody is commenting please tell me what you guys think about the book. Should I keep going?

So who do you guys think sent the professor to the cafe place?

was it Liam, El, Niall, Maddie, Chloe her dad

Also what do YOU guys think happened to her mom? comment and tell me what you think.


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