Carson and Brooke

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Chapter 41


Niall's POV

Today is Wednesday and it's now Carson's turn to ask his girl to prom. It was really hard to come up with different ways for each of us but Carson said he saw something online and came up with something.

Knowing him it's going to be good and by good I mean really funny. He wouldn't tells us what he was doing but he told Emily since she is friends with Brooke. He said that he needed her to make sure Brooke goes along with it.

Emily's POV

"Come on Brooke he just wants to take to get some Starbucks" I said all i have to do is get Brooke to go on a date with Carson. That's all he asked me to do he wouldn't tell anything else of his plan probably because he doesn't want anyone to mess it up.

"But he wanted you to ask me?" she said come on Brooke will you just say yes.

"cause he wouldn't see you at all today" I said

"well he could of just texted me and asked"

"no, you never ask someone on a first date over texting" I said

"well please tell me yes he really wants you to go and don't deny that you don't like him cause I know you do" I added.

"okay I'll go just tell him to pick me up after Volley ball practice" she said

"okay" I said and the bell rang so we headed to our next class.


Carson's POV

"Hey!!!!" I yelled across the room to get Brooke's attention

"Hey!!! I'll be right out I just need to stop by my locker!!" she yelled back.

"Okay!!" I yelled back at went put of the gym to wait by the Doors.

She soon later came with her back pack on her back. She looks so cute in her little practice outfit. Just like all of us guys except for Liam play football ball all the girls play Volley ball. We headed out to where I parked my car and we hopped in.

"how was practice?" I ask since it was a little to quite and awkward.

"Good" I all she said. Now it's really awkward so I turned on the radio. I could hear her singing along with the song so I turned it up a little louder and sang with it. She sung a little louder and now we are having fun.

We usually don't hang out like this one on one because we usually have the rest of the group with us so there is always something to talk about.

We sang to a few songs then pulled into a mall parking lot parking close to where Starbucks is. I can't wait for the ride home because that's when my plan really starts.

Brooke's POV

We are drinks so I got my wallet out and was ready to pay for it but was stopped when I heard

"Don't worry I got it" Carson said. He is such a sweet heart I'm so glad he well Emily asked for him for me ti go on this date with him.

We walked around the mall looking at stuff and sipping our drinks. Overall just having a good time. We walked to the car. He told me he had to make a quick stop some where to drop something off at Niall's house before he took me home.

He turned the music up a little loud then it was before and we sang along, shouting The words. We turned a corner when we heard sirens right behind us. Great the cops.

"What did we do we didn't break any laws" I said. We were now pulled over on a side road nobody ever uses unless you live on this street.

"Nothing I didn't do anything, come on, Shit!!" he said he kept looking out the window to see if the cop had gotten out of his car yet to come talk to us.

The cop had a name tag that said Dan so I'm guessing that's his name. He tapped on Carson's window for him to roll it down and he did.

"Did you know that you can't play loud music this side of town?" Dan asked.

"No, sir I didn't know" he said nervously

"where are you headed?" he questioned

"ah to a friends house to drop something off"

"license and regerstation please" he said to Carson and he handed over a paper along with a plastic card.

"and where did you come from young lady" oh great now he is going to ask me questions.

"Starbucks" I said holding up my now empty cup.

"have you been drinking sr.?" he asked Carson

"no sr." he said with ni emotion. Dan then came around to my window. Great.

"Do you have an id with you?" Dan asked me

"ah yeah my school id" i said opening my bag and taking it out then handed it to him through the window.

"have you been drinking?" he now questioned me

"no sr" I said back why does he think I've been drinking

"I'll be right back" he said a he went to where he parked is car.

"Why does he think we've been drinking"

"I don't know It's getting hot in here" he said and put the air conditioning on low.

"What are we going to do the music wasn't that loud" I said. I'm really scared right now I've been pulled over by a cop before.

"I did you have to take me to Niall's with you" I said

"Yeah I know I'm sorry and what kind place has a law for how loud your music came be. Oh great he's coming back" Carson said while looking out the side mirror.

"Here you go sr." Dan said handing Carson his license and paper back. Then came around to my window again.

"Here is your id back and are you sure you haven't been drinking?" he questions me one more time

"because I smell some alcohol on him but mine getting it more on you" He added

"I'm positive I didn't drink I don't even drink to begin with" I said

"Okay well I'm going to give you a ticket for.............." I didn't even hear what he said I was scared what I would say to my parents.

"If you flip it over it tells you more about what is happening and how to pay the ticket"

I flipped it over and read.

"Prom is coming up you should go with him" and it had an arrow pointing to Carson. I look up at him and he said

"Brooke will you go to prom with me?!?!"

"yes!" Omg what just happened did I actually get a ticket or waa it just away of asking me to prom. I say Carson fist bump Dan and then Dan went back off to his car and we drove away.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry your about to cry" he said.

"you were so scared I fell bad now" he added

"are we still actually going to Niall's?" I asked yep. we soon pulled up and saw everyone in the front yard playing football. I have to go tell Emily what just happened and that I'm going to prom with Carson!!!

Authors Note: Heyo was up guys. Here is an update thank you for all the reads and the votes wow 400 in something vote that is amazing. Thank you so much. Please continue to read, vote, comment, and share. Also if anyone would like to make a trailer for my book please go ahead just inbox me the link. Thanks guys!!!!

Josie - xox

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