Game Day

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Niall's POV

I woke up feeling refreshed I went to bed a little early last night since I have a Football game today. I took a shower making me feel even more refreshed. I put on some sweat pants and my football Jersey since all the players on the team do that to let people know that we have a game today even though everyone already knows.

My phone buzzed and I new right away it was Emily like always. I opened up the message it read.

Good Morning Handsome - Emily

Morning Beautiful - I texted back while heading down the hall to the kitchen with my back pack and my sports bag in my hand. I grabbed a quick breakfast before heading out the door to my car.

I drove to school and parked in my usually parking spot then headed straight to the locker room to put my football stuff away. I then headed to my main locker and got ready for my first class.

Emily's POV

I'm now sitting in first hour with Liam, Brady, and Ski. The first bell already rang but the last one hasn't yet so there is still some people coming into the class room. The last bell rang and we all took our seats a few seconds later the morning announcements came on.

Good morning staff and students Today is Friday May 6th. We have a few announcements this morning so please listen. First our Seniors this year it is almost that time of the year thats right prom is coming up so start asking that special someone prom will take place on May 26 the theme is May I have this dance tickets are now on sale. As for tonight good luck boys at your football game today against our rivals West Croke Cougars. That is all for the announcements have a wonder full day.

Everyone was talking about prom and who they want to ask out your who they want to be asked out by. I hope Niall will ask me. What am I saying he is my boyfriend of course he is going to ask me.

Class started it was pretty boring but some what okay I guess we watched a movie on this historical event so at least we didn't have to do any actual work.


"There here" Ski yelled she came with me after school to get ready since her car is in the shop. A bunch of girls came up to the door all I heard was cheering and laughter.

"Hey guys!!!! are you ready to get ready?!?!" I cheered as I opened the door for them to come in.

"YEAH!!!!!!!!" everyone shouted back. They all headed up to Eleanor's room where all of our outfits are. We all got dressed and headed back to her room for hair and make-up.

Rocky started her make-up which consist of black eye liner.Eleanor did a really simple look and just left her hair down as usual. I put my hair in a really cute bun with a bow in the back and did a coat of mascara along with a thin line of eye liner on my top eye lids. The rest of the girls did really simple make up and either curled or straightened their hair.

The game starts at seven and right now it's 6:00 right now so we have about 30 minutes to spare since we plan to be there before it starts so we can watch the boys warm up. So in the mean time we decide to just watch a show. Soon enough it's time for us to go we take my car and El's car.

We arrived at the game in just enough time to see them start warming up the other team is already here warming up to.

El, Ski, and I walked down to the field fence since we can't go in there but we still get away with talking to them because Louis is the co coach he came back during there football season to help out so score for us.

"hey guys good luck on the game" Eleanor said to Louis who was walking towards us

"Hey" Niall said right when he saw me

"so are you going to give me a good luck kiss' he asked me

"but your Irish you don't need luck" I said back

"maybe not but just in case?' Niall said cheekily

"I think you forgetting one slight problem" I said

"What why can't you kiss me?" Niall said It sounded like he was about to freak out

"Niall your on the other side of the fence" I said laughing a little at how he didn't notice this

"oh yeah" he said as he walked toward the opening in the fence also know as the door way and came up to me saying

"I'll have that kiss now!" I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my waist. I gently placed my lips on his giving him the perfect kiss. When we pulled apart because Niall had to go warm up he looked at me and said

" Im loving the shirt!!!"

"Thanks, you know I made it after the sexiest player on the team" I said

"what who?" Niall joked

"My boyfriend I got to go see ya good luck"

"Don't need it I got you" When he said that I knew is blushing I walked back to the bleachers with El and Ski by my side.


Were winning!!!!! The score is us 3 them 2 so not by much but I have faith in my boys.

Niall's POV

Make sure she stays where she is - I texted to Rocky

Don't worry Ni I got this where ready when you are - Rochelle yep that's Rocky's full name I don't know why but our group tends to put our full names in our contacts for our phones.

I'm ready for this. I keep telling myself. I can do this. I grab the mic and run out to the field with my best mates behind me. I took a deep breath and said

"HI I HOPE YOUR IN JOYING THE GAME MY NAME IS NIALL!!!" I look to wear Emily was she is still there looking back at me.

"I WOULD LIKE FOR MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND EMILY TO COME DOWN HERE PLEASE!!" I said. I watched as all of her friends pushed her and shoved her as she made her way down and ran towards me on the field. I've seen so many time where a guy asks a girl something and she just freaks out because she is either embarrassed or says no. God I hope that doesn't happen. Soon she was standing right in front of me. With her back to the crowd showing everyone her beautiful shirt that has my number on it everyone now knows for sure that she is mine.

I bring the mic back up to my mouth and take her hand we walk down the field and with the boys behind us lined up side by side.

"EMILY I HAVE A QUESTION TO ASK YOU, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO PUT IT IN WORDS SO I HAD A LITTLE HELP WITH THE TEAM" and that was the boys que to turn there big paper cards around. We turned around and they boys well Harry, Carson, Zayn, Brady and Louis each holding a letter. Harry had P Carson had R Zayn had O Brady had M and Louis had a ?

all together it said PROM?

I turn towards her and take out two tickets I got earlier today. I had it lined up so it looked like one. She had now turn towards me with everyone's eye still on us. I said

"BUT I THOUGHT THIS MIGHT BE A GOOD START" i said and held up the tickets and slid it so now you could see the other one.

"EMILY WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?" I said. It felt like it was just us two in the whole world.

"YES NIALL OF COURSE I'LL GO WITH YOU!!!!!!" She said in a very exciting tone. I than gave her the best Horan hug ever followed by a kiss. All I heard was people cheering and screaming. We are definitely going to win this game.

His Princess - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now