This isn't goodbye i promise

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chapter 48


I had most of my bags packed by the next day. My room that Eleanor decorated just looks bare and plain. Today is the day that I have to say goodbye to my friends I will be leaving on Monday and I might not see them all over the weekend.

One thing I need to make sure they know is that this is not goodbye that I will be back Niall told me that this can work so I'm going to try. I am really bad at Goodbyes so maybe I should just say see you later.

I got dressed and soon enough was in my car on my way to school.

I knew that I didn't have to tell Liam goodbye yet since i will be seeing him again before I leave. So we just hang out the whole time. As the day go on I give out about a million hugs to people that I know and have talked to.

The day went by really fast and soon enough I was back home finishing packing.

Niall's POV

I'm an going to take Emily out on a date before she leaves I just want to spend as much time with her as I can. We went to the same cafe when we had her first date. Where that audition changed everything.

"Two pink lemonade' s please" I order for both of us

After awhile of us just talking she got up and pulled me to the stage. She handed me a mic. then grabbed one for her self. I absoultly love singing with her it makes me feel like I'm in a different world.

"Hey do you think a prom we will have to Waltz?" I asked

"because I have no idea how to" I added

"oh come on it's easy my mom taught me when I was a little girl" she said

"come on I'll teach you" she says and puts down the mic and grabbed my hand.

"I still remember the song she would sing to me as we danced" She said. Emily doesn't really talk about her mum after what happened but when ever she does it's always something related to music. They can always seem to connect that way.

She let go of my hand and moved to an area that had more space with me following behind.

Emily: Take my hand, take a breathe pull me close now take one step. Keep your eyes locked to mine and let the music be your guide.

Niall and Emily: Won't you promise me (Now won't you promise me that we'll never forget) We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing wherever we go next.

Both: It's like catching lightening the chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million the chances of feeling the way we do and with every step together we'll just keep on getting better. so can I have this dance (can I have this dance) can I have this dance.

"We are going to rock that dance floor" I said

"yes we are" she said back


Emily's POV

"Come on Emily we have to go now!" my dad called Liam and Niall both came over to help bring my bags down and put them into the car. Niall also came because he wants to drove with us to the airport. After everything got brought down we all go into the van. My dad drove us off to the airport.

We got there just in time my flight was soon called and I got up from the chair that I was sitting in. I said my goodbyes to My dad, my step mom, and Eleanor. I'm going to miss them so much but I will be back soon right.

Niall came with me as far as he could.

"Don't have to much fun in America" Niall said

"I won't"

"I going to miss you" I added

"don't your going to see me again in a week" he said talking about prom

"yeah so I guess this is Goodbye" I said trying not to cry.

"Emily don't say goodbye. I'll see you soon" Niall said

"this isn't goodbye" I said and gave him a kiss before I headed to the plane. Before I headed to America.

Author's Note: Omg I am so happy! sorry I have update in awhile I've been busy. Thank you for 1.7k reads it means a lot let's see if we can get it to 1.8 maybe 2000 so keep reading guys. Josie. Sorry it's kind of short just a filler chapter.

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