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Emily's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! I woke up and slammed my hand against my alarm turning it off. I slowly crawled out if bed and hopped in the shower. Eleanor and I decided that we were going to match today so I dried off and slid on my pink skirt and pull my white crop top on over my head. I brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair and loosely curled it giving me beachy waves. I applied a descent amount of make-up grabbed my bag and my phone. I headed down stairs and admired El's version of my outfit. We both grabbed a banana and headed out the door to see Louis pulled up I ran a knocked on Liam's door.

"Liam our ride is here!"

"coming" He came out and we all got into Louis car and headed to school

"Em what classes do you have?" Liam asked

"um, 1st math 2 Spanish 3 reading 4 science 5 gym 6 social studies"

"we have 1st hour, 2nd hour, 5th hour and 6th hour together what lunch do you have I have D lunch"

"Me too!" a couple seconds later we pulled up to school Louis found a parking spot close so we didn't have to walk far.

"Good luck guys" Eleanor said as Louis and her headed off to their part of the school.

"You too" I said as Liam and I headed to our lockers. Lucky us our lockers are right next to each other. We put our backpacks in our lockers and since it was the first day we didn't need anything but a pencil. We closed our lockers and started looking for our class.

"Em I think it's around the corner" Liam said pulling me in his direction. All thought it didn't go so well cause I ended up on the floor with my hand against my throbbing head.

"oh my gosh I'm so sorry I really should watch where I'm going are you okay" I heard a sweet Irish accent but couldn't make out what it was saying. I felt him grab my hands and pull me up.

"Emily are you okay?" Liam said

"Yeah Liam I'm fine"

"Em I'm over here"

"We should take her to the nurse" said the Irishman

I soon felt a cold rush against my head bring me back to reality

"Emily are you feeling better?" a calm women said I assumed she was the school nurse.

"Yeah I feel better"

"Well take these this will help with that head-ace of yours" she handed me two pills and a cup of water.

"You can head to class when your ready"

"Okay" I got up opened the door and saw that Liam was sitting in the hallway waiting for me along with Niall.

"You alright yeah but what happened"

"We were turning the corner headed to class when

"I ran into you sending you flying I'm sorry I really should watch where I'm going" Niall said

"I'm just glad your okay but I really should head to class see you around Emily" he said while heading of in the other direction

The rest of the day seemed to fly by they pretty much talked about the same thing in each class. We all meet up outside of school by a tree then Louis drove us home. He stayed for awhile and we all hung in the back yard. The whole day I couldn't stop think about that beautiful Irish lad Niall. I think I might have a crush.

A/N: so she has a crush on Niall but does Niall even notice her I mean he did run to her not knowing someone was there keep reading to find out.


Edited 5/30/14

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