Mean girls strike again

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Chapter 46


Emily's POV

Today is Tuesday and right now I'm sitting in 1st hour with Liam working on a sheet that the teacher gave us. We finished early so we just got to hang around and talk until the bell rang for our next class.

"So Emily did you talk to Niall about it" Liam asked me referring to the college thing.

"I didn't quite mention everything he only knows that it's in America."

"Not that you've been accepted to go early" Liam said

Grace's POV

I was sitting in first hour in my usual seat behind Liam. We were working on a work sheet but I just finished so I had nothing to do. I pulled out my phone and read some text messages but stopped when I heard a very interesting conversation between Liam and Emily. So I started to listen.

"I don't even know if I'm going to go" Emily said

"you have to your a honor student only a few student's are accepted" Liam said

"you can't get rid of me that easy" Emily said

"Your the only one that knows so be quiet" Emily added

Liam isn't the only one that knows Emily. The bell rang so people headed to their next class, although I had a free next hour so I went the computer lab to do some research. I sat down and typed in Emily Mota it is amazing what the computer can bring up. I went down a bit and found what I needed 20 students are expected for a early start at college thing. Emily was one of those students. I texted Maddie to come here she would love to be apart of this.

"What did you want to show me?" maddie said

"this" i pointed at the screen and she read it

"okay?" she said confused

"did you see the time" i said

"no when is it" she asked

"the week of our prom" i said

"oh she would miss it and Niall would be all alone." she said

"good work Grace" she added

"How many should i print?" i asked

"100!" she said with a smirk


Niall's POV

I did my daily morning routine and headed off to school. I headed straight to my locker. I put in my combination and put my back pack in then grabbed my stuff for my first few classes. Right when I shut my locker standing right next to it was my ex girlfriend Maddie. Why did I even got out with her in the first place she is really annoying.

"Hey Niall, I just wanted to tell you that you are taking Emily missing prom really well I mean if it was my date leaving the week of prom after they already said they would be my date i would be crushed but you are taking it so well....." Maddie started talking really fast.

"wait slow down Maddie, what are you talking about?" I asked

"what you mean she didn't tell you wow awkward I would think you would be one of the first people she would tell. I guess she just doesn't want to tell you because the only thing holding her back would be you." she said then she handed me a paper that has Emily's school picture on it, it looks like she got it off of a web site.

I looked up from it and Maddie was gone I looked around for her but she was know where to be found and that's when I noticed the same paper I have in my hand on the wall on some people's lockers everywhere down the hallway.

I read the paper and understood what Maddie was talking about Emily is going to miss prom but, this is an amazing opportunity for Emily It's the school of her dreams. Why would she not tell me. Is Maddie right when she said that I'm holding her back. I really need to talk to Emily.

Authors Note: Hey guys!! It is officially Christmas season!! YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Thank you guys for all the reads and votes. Sorry this chapter was kind of short. please continue to read and vote!! thank you!


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