America day 2

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Chapter 54

Niall's POV


It is our second day here in America before we have to head back on Monday. Emily told everyone that she has a surprise planned for us but she would tell us what it is no matter how many times I kiss her to try and persuade her to tell us.

She did say that we should wear someone comfortable and nice looking and she told Eleanor to definitely not wear heels.

"We will be leaving at night so you guys don't have to get ready yet." Emily said

"Please Em you know I have surprises" Louis begged her to tell him where we were going.

"I can't tell you guys so please stop asking" she said back

"Well what should we do in are spare time" Eleanor asked

"We'll do you guys want to watch another movie? Niall asked

"Let's watch pitch perfect" Emily said

"Okay" I said

We put in the movie and just relaxed all day until we got really hungry so Louis and Eleanor went to get McDonald's leaving Emily and I all by ourselves.

"Niall I know you probably don't want to talk about this right but I can't help wondering what is going to happen to us after the summer" Emily said

"Emily we still have three months with each other" I said

"yeah I know but what is going happen the next nine months of not seeing each other." She said and I really didn't know the answer to that. I just never wanted to think about us splitting up I love her and I cant be with out her as chessey as it sounds it true.

"We are not going to brake up okay" I said

"I don't want to either but every couple that tries a long distance relationship fails and I can't stand being away from you. I never really realized how much I love you until you were gone. I don't want to be away from you." She said

"Come here I brought my guitar just in case I needed it and I guess I do" I said as I grabbed my guitar from it case.

"Here sit down" I said and I pulled out the song book that she got me.

"You actually used it" She said

"Of course I did I missed you like crazy I practially wrote a whole album" I told her and she laughed a bit.

"I wrote a song will you sing it with me" I asked her

"Sure" She said smiling at me

I figured it out. i figured it out from black and white. seconds and hours maybe they had to take some time.

I know how it goes. I know how it goes from wrong and right. silence and sound. did they ever hold each other tight like us ? did they ever fight like us?

You and I we don't wanna be like them we can make it till the end. nothing can come between you and I. not even the Gods above can separate the two of us no, nothing can come between you and I.

"I promise you we won't end up like them we can make it till the end" I told her then kissed her cheek.

Emily's POV

I love Niall and how he always makes me feel special and how when we sing together everything in the world just disappears.

I always love how he always give me little gestures of his love. like how he will slightly rub my back or may hand or kiss my temple or cheeks.

He really is the most amazing boyfriend ever he makes my life complete.

I can't wait until he sees the surprise I have planned from him and Lou and El.

It has Been so hard to not tell any of them what it is but I know It will be worth it.

Niall made it really hard every time he kissed me he would say

"please tell me I will give you another kiss and then we have to tell me".

But I still wouldn't tell him. I am such a bad ass. haha.

It has been a long day and now it is finally time to get ready for the surprise. I told them to dress in something comfy.

Eleanor was wearing some black skinny jeans, toms, and a pink collared tank top. with natural makeup and her hair down.

As for me I had on some skinny jeans, Jordan's, and a 5seconds of summer tank top on. along with the hat that Niall got me for Christmas.

The boys where pretty much wearing the same thing black jeans and a t shirt. although Niall had on a 5sos shirt on And Louis' was just plan white.

We all grabbed everything we need or we'll what I told them they needed. then we hoped into the car and I started driving to our surprise.

"Can you please tell us now" Niall asked me

"only if you give me a kiss" I said though he probably doubts I will because I've been teasing him when ever he asked before,

I came to a stop light and Niall gently smashed is lips on mine. We'll their going to have to know sooner or later.

"We are going to a concert!" I said cheerfully and I saw Niall's face as it light up like a Christmas tree when I told him that.

"Who are we seeing" Louis asked

"Niall I need you to stay calm but we are coin to see 5seconds of summer" I told him and the whole car praticlly jump and how excited Niall was.

"Are you serious Emily how did you even get tickets" Niall asked me

"I won four ticket over a radio contest" I told him

"Thank you so much is didn't even know they where in America right now" he said

"This is there last concert here" i told him

"I love you Emily" Niall said ten added

"Thank you so much"

"Yeah Emily thank you for taking us it's a really nice way to spend our last day in America." Eleanor said

"Yeah thanks Emily" Louis added

"We are all most there" I informed them

When we got to the stadium it was crowd. Luckly I found a good parking spot that wasn't very far from the place. so we did have along ways to walk.

we all got out of the car and headed in to the building. we gave the people our tickets then went to take our seats.

Since I won the tickets we got some pretty good seats. we where in the ground level in the third row.

"Emily thank you so much you are the best girl friend ever" Niall said

Okay he needs to stop thanking me every minute. but he is so cute when he is fan boying over this band.

The band soon appeared after about ten minutes of us talking to each other. Louis sat by Eleanor then I sat by her with Niall on the other side of me.

They did an opening song and then starting talking to the crowd. Then they sang another song.

"You know Emily one day that is going to be me up there singing" Niall yelled to me over the crowd.

"I'm perfectly fine with that as long as you don't change or let the fame go to your head and that you don't forget me." I yelled back at him so he could hear me.

"I promise" he told me before going back to shout in the lyrics and I joined him.

Author's note: hey guys I hop you guys had an awesome Christmas or what ever you celebrate.

I will tell you guys the name of my new story on New Years day!!!

Please vote!




This book is not over yet so keep reading it!!


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