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Niall's POV

It's been awhile since that night at the party Emily and I are still together. Most guys probably would freak out and break up with them right away if they saw something like that but I know something happen but what. I know she isn't ready to tell me and I need to respect that.

I love her and I don't want to let her go. I had nothing better to do so I took out my phone and texted her. I just wanted to see my beautiful girl friend's smile. I loved making her laugh she is just so perfect.

hey beautiful - Niall

heyy my little leprechaun - Emily

What u up to? -Niall

writing, recording hbu - Emily

sitting on my bed. being board. and no fair your writing with out me :( - Niall

actually I'm stuck u wanna come help me?!?! - Emily

I'll be right over. - Niall

yeah now I'm no longer board. I fixed my hair and put on a hoodie I told my parents I would beheading out tonight. We all ready ate dinner and we have school tomorrow so I'm surprised my mum let me go to Emily's house.

I guess she really likes her. I headed out the door and hopped into my car and drove to Emily's little music shack place thing.

"Knock knock!!" I said waiting in front of the door. a couple seconds it swung open and I was inside.

"Hey!!!" I said giving her a peck on the cheek. Awww and there was that cute smile she does when ever I do something like that.

"you gonna help your just stand there?" she said grabbing her guitar and sitting on a stool with a stand in front of her.

"How about I play and you sing" I said putting my hand out so she would hand over the guitar.

"okay" she said giving it up. I started strumming and she started to sing. After awhile of us messy around and laughing and just having a good time. We were done now and all tired so we headed out.

"were is your car Nialler" I absolutely love it when she calls me that it's so cute.

"over here" I say pointing to my car. We got in and drove to her house which is only like three or four houses down but oh well we're just that lazy. haha no we're tired don't judge.

"I think my step mom and El are at El's aunts house getting something and my dad is still at work but he should be home soon." she informed me as we headed into the house. We ended up lying down on the couch it was so comfy I didn't want to get up. I turned on the Tv letting a random show play in the background.

We curled up together on the couch my back rested against the couch and her back softly touched my chest. I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her even closer. She just giggled at my sudden movement. My eyes started to fall heavy so I let them close.

Emily's POV

I could feel Niall's slow warm breathing on the back of my neck. I look at my phone and it says 9:10 wow it's not even that late but I'm really really tried. I closed my eyes but I guess that was a triellable mistake because when I woke up things to and bad turn.

I woke up to a door slamming shut. I slowly turn around to see my beautiful boyfriend Niall lying beside me holding me tight. Wait what time is it??? Niall should be home???? Did we both fall alseep??? omg who walked through the door???? Then I heard it the sound of my dad voice carried through the room. I felt Niall move getting too his feet. I sat up and tried to listen to what my dad was saying.

"Emily get up. What are you doing young lady' You know better than to have a boy here after dinner on a school night." he screamed at me.

I didn't say anything I just looked down then at Niall. I could tell he didn't know what to do he just stood there awkwardly.

"Your not back to your bad ways are you?" He added. I can't believe he said that. It peesssss me off that he could just think that and then say it in front of Niall. I Had to speak and say something or he would think I actually am which I'm not.

"Dad how could even say that. I've changed everyone who has known me has seen that in me." I lie because I then relised while not everyone. My mom didn't even know I changed so how could she know I changed back unless she loves me enough to watch over me from above.

"You know what I don't want to talk about it right now I'm going to bed" he said for a second I thought he forgot Niall was still there but then he said this

"I want you out of my house. NOW!!" Omg poor Niall he didn't do anything. I watched as Niall gathered his things and headed out the door. I need to talk to him and tell him I'm sorry that, that just happened.

I headed up to my room. With every step came a very loud stomp. I changed into my pajama's. I guess I'm taking a shower tomorrow morning. I brush my teeth and then my hair. I headed back into my room when I was just about to grab my phone and text Niall about what happened.

I heard a knock at my outside door. It was a very light knock. I was unsure to open in it. It could be anyone. I felt my phone vibrate in my hands. A text from Niall popped up. I clicked open and I read

well are you gonna open the door or not - Niall

okay so it's not a stranger it was just Niall. In that case I opened the door. Niall came in and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry about that" I finally said

"it's okay. That's not why I'm still here though" he said not bothering to look up.

"Then why are you still here?" I asked

"Emily it's eating me up inside I can't take it anymore and with what your dad said please just tell me I need to know what happened." he said looking at me when he said that last part.

"Wait what Niall back up"

"your past what happened" He said as If I could just say it that easily.

I tried to find the right words but none of them worked. I couldnt talk about it without crying from all the people I hurt and let down mainly my mom and know she's gone. Everyone tells me that it's not my fault that she died but I can't help but think it should of been me.

"Niall I did somethings I, I know you want to know but it's hard for me to tell people."

Niall's POV

I need some answers and Emily won't tell me anything doesn't she trust me. What was really bothering is what her dad said

"Your not back to your bad ways are you?" What is that suppose to mean. He saw us cuddling on the couch asleep covered in blankets.

He could take that so many different ways that means Emily did somethings like this with other guys. Emily sleeping with other guys what else could she of done. Just the thought of her cuddling with another guy that's not me makes me mad. Now I'm sitting in her room trying to get some answers but she always dodges the question what is she hiding from me.

"Emily don't you trust me" I said looking her in the eyes

"Niall of course I do"

"Then tell me"

"Niall you don't understand Its hard I can't. can't you just accept that"

"no Emily I can't. You know what I have to go. don't bother to text me cause I won't answer." Wow did I just say that. What a bad ass. I just need to get away from this for awhile. I drive home and sneak in to my bed room hoping my parents don't even know I was gone this long.

His Princess - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now