Music is Key

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door I got up. when they opened the door and poked there head in I noticed it was Eleanor.

"Hey glad to see your up put on some shoes, grab your coat and follow me" I did as told and as soon as we were out side I asked where we were going But all she said was "it's a surprise"

We where now walking along side of the beach we she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a small little shack. She pulled me inside.

"surprise! your dad told me that you love to sing and write songs so I found this walking home one day and nobody lives here it's totally abandoned. so I fixed it up I got some recording stuff and mics."

"um, thank you but I don't sing"

"you don't sing but I heard you a couple minutes ago playing the guitar and singing" well i guess theres no denying it she heard.

"well I can't sing a least in front of people" she's my step sister I'm going to be with her for at least a couple years if not forever. She should know I mean it's not like I just meet her I've known her for a few years and then our parents got married and here we are step sisters.

"can you keep a secret?" I asked her unsure if I'm doing the right thing and telling her.

"who am I going to tell"

"I'm serious"

"yes what on your mind kid"

"well I love to sing and write songs I wrote a song and thought I was talented enough to get up on stage and sing it in front of my whole school. well I guess the audience thought different and all I heard was people saying rude things telling me to give up get off the stage the rest was just a big blur by tears clouded in my eyes." I said holding back tears. it doesn't seem like that big of a deal but it really got to me.

"Emily I'm so sorry if it helps I think you have an amazing voice and you deserve to be heard by people who love and care about you"

"Thanks El"

"you can come here anytime you want, anytime time you want sing a tune with no one around." she said as she handed me a key as we left and walked back home to get some sleep.

Edited 3/5/14

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