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The next day of school I decided I would were sweatpants and a plan colored shirt there's really no point in being all dressed up and excited to go to school. I would have lunch with Niall and he would treat me nice but now that's different. I really don't even want to talk or see him. Louis is giving us all a ride this morning like always.

When we got to school we parked in our same spot we did everyday. I got out of the car grabbed my backpack and headed for the front doors. I still couldnt help myself from looking around and trying to spot Niall like Ive done everyday since we were together. I finally did spot him but that was a really bad idea because he had spotted me to and now he's coming towards me.

"Hey Emily I was thinking later we could go get a smoothie and hang out at my house and you could teach me that thing you did with your voice yesterday" I just decided not talk to him.

"Hey Emily what's wrong?" I just keep walking not saying a word.

"Why aren't you talking to me?"

"please talk to me" he added

"We're over" is all I said as I starting running towards the school I really need to get away from him now.

Liam's POV

"Hey liam i need to talk to you it's about Emily" I heard Niall yell. I keep walking I turned around the corner when he asked again i walked a little faster but when I turned the corner this time he pulled me in the the janitors closet.

"You broke my best friends heart, so goodbye" I finally said

"Liam I don't even know what I did wrong"

"oh come on that's bull, she saw you and Maddie in your room last night. You told her to meet you at your house."

"what, no I didn't I'm not allowed to have people at my house on Sunday nights."

"Well you had Maddie there"

"No, maddie broke into my house she wouldn't leave. I would never cheat on Emily I'm not like that man. I think I love her"

for some reason I actually believed he did. When he was talking about her he got all mushy and soft definitely not football player material.

"You have to help me she won't even talk to me"

I can't believe I'm doing this


A/N: Hey guys sorry this Chapter is kind of short. Look for and update mid week I will try and have something up.

His Princess - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now