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Emily's POV

The bell rang and I headed off to 3rd hour. I walked into class and found Harry.

"Alright class why don't we begin you and your partner are going to finish the packet from the other day. when you are done come up to my desk and you will get a new packet to work on. Today should be a pretty easy day. Alright you can get to work"

Harry and I got up and went to one of the back desks in the corner by the window so we could screw around and not get yelled at.

"Okay let's at least try to get this done"

"okay yeah better keep straight A's or i'm off the team" I opened the packet to where we left off and read the instructions and the questions.

"What is your Child's full name?" I read

"well her first name we decided on is Darcy" i said

"and since my last name is Styles her last name would be Styles since were married" He added

"I think Ann would make a really cute middle name" I said

"Ha that's funny cause that's my mom's name" He said

"really well I guess we have a name Darcy Ann Styles" We both wrote her name down under number one.

"okay number two Pick a date when you found out you are pregnant and then find out the date you are due for your child"

"okay when do you want to find out your pregnant?' he said

"um maybe sometime in October so then she can be born sometime in June"

"okay then she could have a pool party for one of her birthdays" Harry said very excitingly he loves this unit.

"okay how about October 16th?"

"sure, so does that mean we did it October 15th?" He said cheekily

"Nope we did it on the 10th I found out on the 14th but didn't tell you until the 16th" I said, as it was nothing and he knew I was joking.

"well okay then" he said

After Harry and I finished filling out the packet we didn't want to get a new one we could just do that packet tomorrow. We ended up playing on our iPhones we sent a few snap chats to people and got a few sent back.

Harry and i ended up texting each other even though we are sitting right next to each other. We're just that awesome.

Hey are you going to the game tomorrow?!?! - Harold loves u. Yes that is his contact name and yes he did put that in my phone.

I wouldn't miss it - Emily Loves u He also put that in my phone one day.

"who are you guys playing?" I asked Harry but he did respond he turned is phone on and opened a new text message. The screen on my phone lit up NEW TXT FROM HAROLD LOVES U. I clicked on it a it said

You have to txt what your going to say to me!!!!! - Harold

k sorry who do you play??? - Emily

Idk ask Niall he would know - Harold. I was about to text back but the bell rang and we walked out together. It's almost time for lunch one more class and then I get to see Niall. Yeahhh

Niall's POV

I'm sitting in class trying to pay attention but I can't. I can't stop thinking about Emily. I feel like I need to be by her all the time now. Not that I don't want to it's my job to protect her I love her. She is so fragile anyone can brake her down.

"Niall......Niall.......Niall" Someone tapped my shoulder. I shook my head remembering that I'm at school and actually have to pay attention. I know realised that the teacher is talking to me and everyone's eyes are on me.

"Niall could you please answer the question?" The teacher said looking right at me.

"um....yeah....ahhh....the answer know" she didn't let me finish. Good because I have know Idea where I was going with that.

"Liam what is the answer" she asked and Liam told her right away. She then turned back towards me before saying

"do make sure you pay attention if you want to stay in that game tomorrow captain"

"yes Ms. Frostlin" It is a good thing I sit in the back of class cause I don't always pay attention. Now it's work time I make sure to get all my work done before I screw around. Harry and I finished our work and sat in the back of class with our phones out.

"so what was with you zoning out in class? something on your mind?" Harry asked

"Nah, just can't wait for lunch" I said

"why it's lunch well you do love food"

"no that's not why but I do love food" i said

"Then why?"

"I get to see Emily"

"you really like her don't you"

"more than food"

"wow, lad that's deep" the bell rang and I ran out of the classroom well speed walked  when I saw a teacher. I finally made it to Emily's locker and meet her there. We always walk down together.

"Hey" I put an arm around her as we walked down to lunch. I want people to know that she is all mine.

Emily's POV

Everything is back to how it was before everyone is sitting at our table again. I sat by Niall who still had an arm around my waist. On the other side of me was Harold my bestie then on the other side of Niall was Zayn then across from us was Liam, Sara, Ski and Brady. Then on the other half is Brooke, Bailey, Carson, and Rocky.

We all ate our lunch and had our own conversations with people by us. I just talked Niall because I missed him and just wanted her his beautiful Irish voice again.

"Are you going to come to the game tomorrow" Niall asked me

"I wouldn't miss it"

"I'm number turdy seven" he said

"okay me and The girls are making shirts after school today with El so I'll be sure to put your number on it telling everyone that you are mine" I looked up at him and saw a little pink creep up to his cheeks. I started talking to Ski about how she is going to decorate her shirt.

Back in America nobody really dressed up for every game we only really dressed up for the homecoming game's. Ski told me that they always dress up for games I guess it's just an England thing.

Niall's POV

"Hey Carson I want to do something to show everyone that Emily is mine. I mean they get to show everyone that I'm hers by putting my number on her shirt for the game. I just want to do something in return."

"well maybe during half time you could do something for her"

"yeah but like what something small i don't want to embarrass her"

"what if I have her come down onto the field a tell her how much I love her"

"lad your so corny" Carson said

"na what ever lad"

Emily's POV

Ski and I headed towards the locker room to change into out swim suits. The bell rang and we headed to the pool area. This time we made sure that the door didn't slam behind us. We then headed to our lanes meeting the rest of our group. Which was Niall, Harry, Ski, Jake, and Kat. We all put our feet in since we can't get into the pool just yet.

His Princess - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now