How do I tell you?

545 16 2

Chapter 45


Emily's POV

What are you doing out here so late?" A familiar voice asks snapping me out of my thoughts. It's about 10:30 and I'm sitting in the sand near the water but just far enough away so that it doesn't touch me.

"Thinking" I said looking up at him. Liam.

"about what?" he asks taking a set next to me.

"The future. College" I said starring out across the water.

"you know we still have like five months until we go" he said

"not everyone" I said I handed him the paper I've read over and over again thinking of a way this could work. I watched as Liam's mood became serious.

"who all knows?" Liam asked

"just you and my parents"

"you know your going to have to talk to Niall about this" He said

"i know but i just can't find the write words please don't tell anyone about this"

"I won't" he said

"You know Niall is the one that set up the audition back at that cafe." added

"I bet he wouldn't of if he knew this would happen" I said

"Niall Did it because he wanted your talent to be shared with the world"

"Does he know this school is back in America?"

"No" Liam said looking down

"This is my dream school, I wasn't going to three since I moved to England but now I have a chance to I can't pass that up. Niall needs to understand that. I just don't know what's going to happen to our relationship."

"I've lost someone before and it hurts I don't want to lose another" I added

"It's okay Emily I promise that what ever happens you will always have me" He said and held out his pinky for a pinky promise.

We both stood up and brushed the sand off of us. I gave Liam a quick hug before headed back to my room. To get ready for bed.

"Thank you! Liam"

"for what?"

"For everything"

He me a small smile and I returned one before we were both inside.



Emily's POV

Great it's Monday that means we have to go to school. I quickly hopped in the shower before headed to my closet looking for something to wear. The weather is getting warm now so I pulled out some Shorts with gold studs on them.

For my top half of my body I pulled out a dark purple t-shirt and rolled up the hem on the sleeve. I slipped on my favorite pair of Jordans grabbed my phone and the snap back Niall gave me. I just left my hair in its natural beachy waves.

I headed down stairs and grabbed an apple along with my keys and headed out the door to my car. Off to school :(


"Harry she can't have green eyes, dimples, and curly hair" I said

"and why not americano" he said

"because then she won't look anything like me" This boy think his daughter is going to look just like him and not a thing like me. Nope I will not let that happen.

His Princess - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now