The Political Theater of Westeros

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Daenerys Targaryen - Queen of Westeros; Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons

Tyrion Lannister - Queen's Consort; Lord of Casterly Rock

Loki Frostborn - Hand of the Queen; God of Mischief and Head of House Frostborn

Ser Jorah Mormont - Lord Commander of the Queen's Guard; former head of House Mormont

Oberyn Martell - Master of Coin; the Red Viper and Prince of Dorne

Robb Stark - Master of Law; Warden of the North and Head of House Stark

Lord Varys - Master of Whispers; the Spider of Lys

Yara Greyjoy - Master of Ships; Lord of Dragonstone and Admiral of the Iron Fleet

Samwell Tarly - Grand Maester; former member of the Night's Watch

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