Chapter 20 - Protectors Protect

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Sansa left Rhaenar and Ragna with Sandor Clegane and Sif in order to participate in a plan for the Unsullied to counter Surtur's physical forces. She was becoming more involved in the small council, and everyone could tell, she was vying for a position. There was already one woman holding a post, Yara Greyjoy; as well as Daenerys as the queen. Why could not the Lady of House Frostborn move in on the action? Sif was envious of Sansa's ambition, and the support she had from her husband. Loki's hesitance was mostly from a familial point of view: he did not want his children to grow up without any parental guidance. But, Sansa seemed to have convinced him that they would and could find the happy medium between ruling and raising. At least, he was happy enough to allow her to the council meeting.

"You don't like plotting and scheming? The rest of your friends are there," Sandor said to Sif as they took the children down to the docks. Arya and the Sand Snakes were covertly walking a few feet away from them, dressed like lower class citizens. Sif snorted dryly before she glanced down at Ragna. She was holding the little girl's hand and observing her closely. Ragna was certainly paying attention to her surroundings. Her green eyes flashed around as she took everything in, and her free hand was resting on her hip (where Sif was sure she had secreted a blade). Her red hair was in a braid, going down her back, and she was wearing a simple jacket to hide her rank. If nobody looked too closely, they would probably assume that they were a family.

"I'm not one for plotting and scheming; no, Ser Sandor. I'm a woman of action over words, deeds over flowery phrases. I'm not one for poetry myself," Sif answered and Sandor chuckled darkly as he tightened his grip on Rhaenar's hand when the boy made an attempt to pull away.

"On that, we agree, Asgardian. Although, this realm was built on deceptive jargon and fancy expressions. I should know; I work for the man responsible," Sandor commented. Sif nodded her head before she gasped. A bird appeared right before her face, flitting back and forth, twittering. It was a bright emerald color with a golden breast and a black beak. She glanced over at Rhaenar and saw him grinning at her.

"Rhaenar! Not in public," Ragna scolded quietly. The boy stuck his tongue out at her and that was when Arya and the Sand Snakes came up.

"I'll take my niece and nephew for a few moments," Arya said, scooping Rhaenar into her arms. Obara dragged Ragna away from Sif and they began to walk ahead of them. Sif frowned, but there was not much she could do. Those were Arya's sister's children. So, she glanced at Sandor and saw the burned knight looking at her.

"What are you looking at, man?" she queried with a hint of a smirk on her face.

"I thought that Lady Arya, the Sand Snakes, Lady Sansa, and Ragna were the only women who would scare me. I was wrong," Sandor answered honestly before he walked by her. Sif paused a little as she mulled over these words. Was that his way of flirting/complimenting her? He said he was not the type of man to waste words. So, that was why the words stopped her where she stood. She shook her head, determined to harden her heart and not fall for this. It could be a trick of Loki's, another way for him to lash out at her for their past. But, would Sandor really become involved in that? He did not seem like the man who would do something like that, even when he was ordered.

That was when a cold wind touched her cheek and Sif stiffened. It was a warm, sunny day, so... how could the wind possibly be cold? "Arya?" Sif asked, speeding ahead of Sandor to reach Arya Stark and the children. Her hand went out and that was when a shadow whip lashed across her hand. Sif gasped, but it did nothing to deter her from getting to the children. "Move!" she shouted and she pushed Arya away. Arya was still holding Rhaenar and she stumbled with the boy in her arms. Ragna was still clutching Obara's hand and ducked as a shadow whip went over her head. "Sandor!" Sif bellowed and both knights drew their weapons: Sandor's claymore, and Sif's two headed sword. Rhaenar muttered something in Norse and clapped his hands together. A flash of light went outward and Sif wondered what it was supposed to do. A second later, a figure appeared, cloaked in dark mist and still fluid in appearance. Sif was annoyed by that. She wanted a solid enemy to combat and kill.

"Who are you that dares to attack the children of the Hand of the Queen?!" Arya challenged when she caught sight of the demon. Its head tilted to one side and it contemplated her words.

"Who am I? Who are they?" it asked, turning around and looking at Ragna and Rhaenar. "Bastards and children of lust." That was when Sif and Sandor came in swinging. The figure vanished, so their blades wound up crashing against each other's. The people around them scattered, screaming in terror at the sight of the demon. The city watch appeared shortly after, brandishing their spears. Sandor waved his arm, a silent command for them to stand back. Sif swung her blade again, intent on taking out the thing's legs. However, her weapon went clean through and her balance was thrown off. The thing took another swipe at her, but Sandor was able to block it with his claymore. The thing seemed to look at him and Sandor planted himself before Sif. The thing glanced in the direction of the children, who were guarded by their aunt and the Sand Snakes. "Those things should not be alive. They are a curse, a continuation of their damned father," it said.

"What would you know?" Rhaenar challenged from his aunt's arms. He pushed away from her and slid to the ground. "You speak as if you know our father, personally... did he humiliate and defeat you?" Rhaenar asked with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"You look like him, brat," the smoke figure said. Ragna stepped in front of her brother, a little knife in her hands. The thing snickered. "Look at this! The children have more courage than a pack of you!"

"You certainly talk a lot for a demon who can't take physical shape. One would think that you're full of hot air," Ragna countered dryly. Rhaenar chuckled at his sister's quip and began to form ice particles on the end of his fingertips.

"You are like your father, but in a different way. More dangerous," the thing said.

"Glad you think so," Ragna answered as she twirled her knife in her hand. Rhaenar whispered something and Ragna released the blade. The demon tried to avoid it, but the knife struck home, hitting him in the upper thigh. No acknowledgement of pain was given, but both Rhaenar and Ragna were clearly pleased with their accomplishment.

"Do you like ice?" Rhaenar queried and his fingers danced. The knife suddenly turned into ice and began to spread up the thing's leg. It actually made the phantom more solid and it turned, raising a flaming hand. Sif and Sandor came in, Sandor swinging his claymore, while Sif went for the thing's legs. She made solid contact as her blade sliced through something, but no sound of pain came from the phantasm. Sandor shouldered the demon, sending it sprawling to the ground. It rolled away, but that was when Nymeria's whip coiled around its neck. She yanked and pulled him to the ground. Obara advanced with her spear, while Arya and Tyene began a hasty retreat with the children. Ragna did not seem too keen on that as she twisted out of her aunt's grasp and snatched another knife from Tyene.

"Ragna!" Arya shouted as she made a grab for her niece. Ragna was too fast for her. Ragna ducked and dodged before she was right in front of the demon. The knife went up under where its sternum would have been located.

"Stand back!" Rhaenar shouted and his sister did a back flip off the demon, landing several feet away from it. Rhaenar created green fire in the palm of his hand and sent it flying at the specter. It ignited the dagger and the thing did actually scream this time. Sandor swooped Ragna into his arms and turned away. Sif joined him and ushered them away. Her arms wrapped around Clegane and she felt him trembling beneath her touch. She looked at him and saw his eyes were wide. She glanced over her shoulder and saw the thing had pulled the remains of the knife from its chest and tossed it to the floor.

"I had already planned on killing you, and ridding the world of your stench. Now, I will make it slow and agonizing," the demon said.

"Oh, if only I hadn't heard that one a thousand times before," Rhaenar commented dryly from his position between Tyene and Arya.

"It will be, that I promise you. Just not today. And you are fortunate for it," it said. Both Rhaenar and Ragna were opening their mouths to retort when suddenly they were surrounded by mist and found themselves reappearing in the throne room of the Red Keep. Everyone blinked and glanced up at the Iron Throne itself. Daenerys had a hint of a smile on her face and was tapping the hilt of a sword with her delicate fingers. However, their eyes were drawn to Loki, who was standing a few feet in front of her, his arms folded across his chest, and his eyebrow raised.

"Excellent job defending my children, Clegane and Sif. However, Rhaenar... Ragna?" Both children were grinning at their father. "I think we need to have a little talk."

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